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Full Scale Assault Moveset (Syf) (X2M / D&D) (Kinda Tail Supported)

Went through 15 different versions before this one. It was made with the YAMoveset organizer and was set up with a mix of the Female Human, Gogeta SSJ, Gogeta blue, UI goku, and Bardock's fighting styles. I used the standing animation of the Saiyan Pride move set by HighScxre.

Oh, and that being said, HighScxre if you're reading this, I'll gladly change the idle animation on this is you don't want me using yours.


So I tried to release a different version of this, but unfortunately, I kinda messed up. This mod stayed down for a while and I meant to change it, although Xenoversemods just didn't want to cooperate.

I can't make a video for it, as my computer cannot handle Xenoverse 2 for some reason while recording. So.. Sorry, no video for now.

So I lied. I can get a video. OBS was just on some high friggin' settings that they shouldn't have been on. That being said, I got a new video for it. Yay!

Special thanks to Sealing Heaven for converting it to X2M. Left the Drag & Drop RAR files in case people prefer drag and drop over X2M

Drag and drop into the SYF folder.



Released it. Finally.

Updated the moveset. The old one was a bit incomplete and, understandably, didn't do well.

V.i.T - Vida Is Tired
  • 13Mods
  • 18Followers

File size
1.07 MB
March 28, 2020


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  1. I’m dumb and when I drag and drop into the SYF folder and I open the game, my move set ins’t changed. X2M doesn’t recognize these mods as .x2m, so I can’t add it with Xv2Modblablabla, yk? I would appreciate sum help. I dunno if I need to drag and drop all of the files or just one of them or if I need to do somethin’ more…

V.i.T - Vida Is Tired
  • 13Mods
  • 18Followers

File size
1.07 MB
March 28, 2020

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