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Furious Flame

Another Earthling Exclusive Transformation!

Description: Your passion for fighting and protecting the ones you love has awakened a fire inside you. What was once an ember has now become a roaring blaze!! Unleash the fiery will within and use it to burn your enemies.


This form is mainly for (Basic Attack /Ki Blast builds) Basic attack 35%+

Ki blast damage 35%+

Super Ki blast damage 45%+

Super Strike damage 0.10%+

Ultimate Strike damage 0.10%+

Updated Strike damage to be a 0.5% higher then previously. 

Requirements: If you want the aura to look like the one in the photos you will need the following aura mod from Deez: The link should be here:

Otherwise, It should still work but again if you want it to look like how it does in the images you gotta download Deez's aura pack first.

Just a simple X2M file. One for male and one for female but both work the same way.

Was going to do a water and air transformation for Earthlings as a sorta of prelude to an eventual avatar state transformation but, I'm still deciding if it would be better to work on those or a transformation animation pack for other modders to use.

No video since its pretty simple to get but if people want one ill make one, this time without the Discord beeps.


1.0 Base transformation Dunno what changes it needs rn :/

1.2 Fixed Possible Stat Errors and also buffed Strike Supers and Strike Ultimates by an additional 0.05 percent. Now total strike damage is 0.10% buff

Pallet Eater
  • 8Mods
  • 36Followers

File size
2.72 MB
Credit given to modders
Deez, Deez Mods,
May 5, 2024


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Pallet Eater
  • 8Mods
  • 36Followers

File size
2.72 MB
Credit given to modders
Deez, Deez Mods,
May 5, 2024

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