Future Gohan (One Arm) [2.0 X2M]

Mild spoiler warning.
Just a small mod to chop off Future Gohan's useless broken arm. There's not much else I can really say about it.
You know how Luke was given Anakin's lightsaber in ANH? Well, rumour has it, after the death of Son Gohan, our favorite future fighter inherits his greatest asset. If you miss his right arm enough, you may consider checking out this additional 100% canon lore-expansion mod. /revenge-of-gohan-tgc/
Here's to the start of a beautiful modding adventure, guys!
Stick this in your XV2INS
1.0 - intial release
1.1 - loose sleeve rig
1.2 - custom skeleton
1.4 - new model
please revamp
make Future Warrior in black
When i turn into super saiyan, it just transforms automatically nonstop. please fix this.