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Future Gohan (Potential Unleashed) with 2 variations + 1 Transformable

  • This character was made with pure vanilla game asset with a little few tweaks on it's dyts, skills and stats. It uses custom moveset.
  • Inspired from Dragon Ball Shin Budokai 2 Game


There are 3 variations of the Character

1. Uses super saiyan form hair

2. Uses base form hair

3. Transformable (base to PU)



Super Saiyan 1 - Super Saiyan 2 - Potential Unleashed by me


  1. Fierce Combination - JustBarelyMods
  2. Fierce Combination SSJ - JustBarelyMods



Thanks to M1lk Man for allowing me to use his one armed gi clothes.

Credits to JustBarelyMods for the moveset and ultimate skills.

Thanks Rayly for making the Super Saiyan 2 Hair!

Thanks to Revamp team for their assets as always


Note: The awoken skill transformation name is still a bit bugged but only the names. It still works in-game. I'll update it as soon as possible. In any case, here you go


Awoken Skill is not available for CAC at the moment.

x2m install method

1.0: Tweaks on skillset and moveset. Will continue to be updated

1.5: Custom Moveset + One Ultimate Skill - Fierce Combination

1.6: Changes in skillset

2.0 Added Transformable Variation

2.5 New Character Select Portrait, New Transformable battle portrait, added a variation of Fierce Combination which transform Future Gohan midway, new super saiyan 2 hair, stats rebalanced. Skills will be updated as soon as it's finished.

File size
22.83 MB
Credit given to modders
M1lk Man, JustBarelyMods, Rayly, Revamp Team
December 19, 2023


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  1. hola buenas, te voy a calificar el mod, 4.5, y te digo porque…Sinceramente me esperaba que cambiaran las habilidades a unas modeadas y hay un problema con el audio del agarre, no tiene efectos de sonido ademas es muy simple, una ultima cosa mas, podrรญas bajarle la velocidad que si no me voy fuera del mapa intentando pegarle al enemigo XD

File size
22.83 MB
Credit given to modders
M1lk Man, JustBarelyMods, Rayly, Revamp Team
December 19, 2023

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