Gamer123 (Super Saiyan Blue 4)

Was going to upload my Super Saiyan 5 version but I can't seem to find SSJ5 hair for custom characters so I used SSJ4 hair and colored it silver but the hair doesn't look right but I will still be working on it more. So if someone has a link to SSJ5 hair THAT would be great!
So I just decided to upload this instead so I hope you guys enjoy this! But like I said I will be working on My SSJ5 CaC some more so don't worry :)
As always don't be afraid to leave comments (constructive criticism is welcome)
I hope you guys enjoy!
My Youtube Channel:
Animated Saiyan Tail:
Animated Saiyan Tail (Transformable):
i say your cac needs a hairs transformetion to ssj4 to ssj5 ok
How i can change hair of my cac?