Gogeta Black Rose

Hello my friends, but before I start talking about the mod I want to thank SSaYnt by Moveset used for this Gogeta Black Rose Evil Divine Ki Blade Moveset (Request) , thanks also to Unleashed can let use the skill Solaris Fiere (Ultimate Skill) for the Gogeta Black Rose the grateço even from the heart.
Well, this mod I made in order to present a fusion of Goku Black and Vegeta Black, even the Vegeta Black does not exist yet, This was an imagination of mine if there could be this possibility of being born a metamoro of Gogeta Black Rose, I hope you like the mod :)
Link das Skill Solaris Fiere (Ultimate Skill) Unleashed : https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/solaris-fiere-ultimate-skill/
Link of the Evil Divine Ki Blade Moveset (Request) SSaYnt : https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/evil-divine-ki-blade-moveset-request/
My discord KAIGAMEPLAYZ#1860
Installation Guide
1 - Install Gogeta Black Rose 2 - Install the Effects 3 - ready to play :) Installation Guide
Public Release.
Is there a outfit only mod?
its AMAZING but also what are this shaders/graphics?
Good person I fixed the effect that did not install, now it is normal, anything between contact with me in the disagreement above
Hey just to let you know that the (effect installer for CAC) could not be found error popped up when trying to install the mod
I’ll take a look at it, because this effect is from cac so when you install the effects it takes from cac vfx
It works now, nice work on the Gogeta Black Rose mod.