Gogeta (Supervillain Series) | Part of ProjectGKB

This is a Supervillain/Raid Boss version of Gogeta with some really cool recolors. Shoutout to Grinns from the XV2 Revamp team for allowing me to use his Ultra Big Bang Kamehameha modded skill in Supervillain Gogeta's presets!
Shoutouts to AbyssWalker from the DBXV2 Expanded team for pointing out that some skills were not embedded, this issue has been fixed. Additionally, we forgot to mention that the SS3 Gogeta face and hair assets we used were part of DBXV2 Expanded, so credit to Expanded has been added as well.
Check Expanded out as well: https://discord.gg/rVMXkqjgeF
Their Twitter: https://twitter.com/DBXV2Expanded
Check out Grinns: https://patreon.com/grinns
Remember to join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/ProjectGKB
Some more information about this mod:
- Gogeta has a custom moveset (combo strings) which is a cool mix of other characters' combos and works well.
- Gogeta has 3 presets. All of which have different Skills and Super Souls.
Preset 1: Super Gogeta Supervillain - Reduces damage received from all attacks by 40%. His Super Soul grants him the ability to automatically activate Just-Guard when receiving an attack that can be guarded.
Preset 2: Gogeta Supervillain SS3 - Reduces damage received from all attacks by 50%. His Super Soul allows him to fully restore his health when it drops below 25% (once only)
Preset 3: Gogeta Supervillain SS4 - Reduces damage received from all attacks by 77%. His Super Soul grants him Super Armor as well as immunity to throws/grabs.
1.1 - Skill embed fix, credit to DBXV2 Expanded for their SS3 Gogeta assets added.
1.0 - Initial release