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Gogito Mastered Primal Power – DB Taiyou

Hi everyone :)
I don't play the game anymore and not modding too, in case of future game/patcher updates,
you are free to update the Installer on your own,
but not allowed to upload updated versions of the mods i made!
This mod is special, i got permission from different modders to use and combine their assets
to make Gogito from TorrinSol's Dragon Ball Taiyou, i recolored their awesome skills and auras,
also added a custom moveset and a transformation, no need to worry because non of them replaces
their original version, i also made a yellow version of the Spirit Blaster.
In that episode we see Gogito on his Primal Power and Mastered Primal Power forms,
his hair and body have a yellow reflection.
The first time i thought it was the black lines turned to yellow, so i edited the emm for that.
When i watched it again, i realized it was the shine that was yellow instead the black lines,
so i edited the dyt for that.
Also i made a combined version of edited emm and dyt, this means you can choose and install
which variation you like mostly.

1. In the character folder i have three sub folders dyt, emm and dyt+emm, inside each sub folder
is the variation i explained above, please check the comparison image and install only one
of the variations because they have the same 3-letter code!
2. Install the CMN installer inside 2 skill installer, otherwise the ultimate skill will not work!
3. Install the MasteredPrimalPowerAura installer, otherwise Gogito won't have aura!

Changed from Surging Spirit to Ultimate Charge because it glitches on Gogito,
the second charge skill works well.
Added the custom voice files as promised after Eternity fixed the issue of the xv2patcher
that caused to not sound in game in English language.
Please uninstall the old version and all of his skills first,
then install v1.3 in order to have everything working right!
Fixed the awoken from making Gogito not loosing health.

Updated the Name value in the InstallerXml.xml from "Budokai 3 100x Big Bang Kamehameha CMN
Animation" to "Budokai 3 100x Big Bang Kamehameha Yellow CMN Animation".
Please uninstall the my old CMN_Installer, then download the new version of my mod,
install the new CMN_Installer and the original "blue" then you can have both,
original Budokai-3-100-X-Big-Bang-Kamehameha and the yellow one without conflicts,
sorry for that, i just had not installed the original when i edited into yellow,
now i tested both and everything is ok.
I have permission from Deathmachine-die to use the model of the original character mod Dragon Ball Taiyou Gogito.
I have permission from Game Zone to use the ssbe hair model and voice files of his mod Gogitto Ultimate Fusion v2.
I have permission from to Deez Mods Only to use the Shining Punisher skill and letting me recolor
his Ultra Instinct Aura.
I have permission from Shakaro to use and letting me recolor his Ultra Instinct charge aura from his
mod pack Shakaro’s BEYOND Overhaul.
I have permission from DBXV2 Expanded to use the Gale Sword from their mod DBXV2 Expanded: “Guardians of History”.
I have permission from OMEGA/greyleox87450 to use the Rebellious Menacing Ray from his
mod pack Menacing Ray skill pack.
I have permission from greyleox87450 to use and letting me recolor his Majin Spirit Sword from Dark Golden Orange/Black
to yellow/white from his mod pack Gucci Fresh Spirit Sword Recolors.
I have permission from to Fluffy Papi CRS to use and letting me recolor his Budokai 3 Style 100x Big Bang Kamehameha
into yellow/gold.
I have permission from Sportiax to use and letting me change his Super Saiyan 2 (No Animation) into
Mastered Primal Power from his mod pack Instant Transformations.
I have permission from Frank2703 to use his Gogetto Beyond Ultra Instinct moveset.
Thanks a lot to Abyssal-San | Ezra’s King for editing the ean file in order to
have Gogeta SSJ4 stance.
Thanks a lot to AbyssWalker and Ꮓꍟꊼ(ヴァストローデ) for learning me about dual emb,
although in the end i decided to keep the simple method of dyts for the yellow shine.
Please check the images comparison and install only one character x2m!
Changed from Surging Spirit to Ultimate Charge because it glitches on Gogito,
the second charge skill works well.
Added the custom voice files as promised after Eternity fixed the issue of the xv2patcher
that caused to not sound in game in English language.
Fixed the awoken from making Gogito not loosing health.
Updated the Name value in the InstallerXml.xml from
Budokai 3 100x Big Bang Kamehameha CMN Animation to
Budokai 3 100x Big Bang Kamehameha Yellow CMN Animation.
  • 9Mods
  • 9Followers

File size
86.24 MB
April 13, 2024


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    1. if you open the Gogito Taiyou.x2m with 7-Zip, go in the SKILL_ATACHMENT folder and pull on desktop the d3e3d402-5eec-c497-7741-a5501c928800.x2m, then right click > edit, the skill opens go to Transformation tab and you will see the aura ids

  1. just gonna put this out there the person who made that bust that you barrowed from used my bust for the mod so if you could edit that in it would be great the mod of the one that the person barrowed from btw is from my SDBH Vegito mod.

    1. He never told anything about that and he wrote nothing about you and if its your bust in his description, so if its true and he will update his description then i will too.
      So without confirmation and prove from him i don’t credit any random person just like that!

    1. OK, i just tested him, i fought Gogito base form with my cac base form and SSGSSE and then Gogito against my cac SSGSSE.
      Gogito is loosing health but slower, makes sense, because his base form isn’t a stage before SSJ or Kaioken, its around Ultra Instinct/Ego, not sure if its even beyond that, then i recommend you to pick character mods that have stats like Gogito’s and stronger, mods with insane stats exists. 😉

      1. For me he doesn’t take damage once he transforms to his mastered version and for my cac i use the two mods, O.P 2 mod by minato15 and kamilla kaze + eternal power awoken by divinekamekaze as for other mods that are stronger than vegitos mastered form i haven’t found any yet but if you can send me a link to one it would be gladly appreciated. I was able to find a way to knock him out of his transformed state with a skill but haven’t find a cac version for it yet.

        1. I fought yesterday his mastered form, true, he doesn’t loose health at all on that form, i’ll lower the awoken’s health a bit, but still he must be difficult to loose on his mastered primal power, not because of that form only but also that he is a fusion of fusions, that makes him even more powerful from one fusion, like in DB Taiyou.
          About the CAC skill, i can make it a two staged awoken, Primal Power and Mastered Primal Power, but it will take a lot of time, because i have to edit every hair model’s dyt for the yellow shine, emm for the yellow lines and both together, like the options you have for Gogito, but its not just the hair, i have to do the same for the body and for every cac outfit of the game to be like that, except if you want just Gogito’s outfit for that transformation, that would take less time.

        1. Ok, i think you guys have installed so many mods that you reached the limit, to many skills or ids, that’s the reason why the character cannot be installed because the skills are embedded.
          The folder 2 has no skills but only the installer for the x100 ultimate skill to work.
          I confirm that my tester has installed everything and works well in game.
          You can uninstall few skills you and a character, then try again, that helped me to when i had over 1300 mods installed.

  • 9Mods
  • 9Followers

File size
86.24 MB
April 13, 2024

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