Goku Black (SSJ Blue) – Ultra Supervillain

The mod of Goku Black SSJ Blue - Ultra Supervillain, more than the SSJ Rosè!
Download the x2m file and install it via xv2ins.exe found in the Eternity Tools downloadable at this link: https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/outdated-eternity-tools-1031725/
I would also like to point out that Super Saiyan Blue's aura changes with the Lazybone New Transformations mod and other similar mods, so if you want the modified aura you can download their mod at this link: https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/new-transformations-added-skills-205774/
Otherwise the aura will remain the default one in the game, which is that of Goku Super Saiyan Blue as shown in the images of the mod
Thanks for reading!
Version 1.0: First Version
making shi recolors are we?
Yes, this is a recolor i’m not very good to edit models but anyway i think this goku black is very cool. I will upload more mods in this month, thank you for tour feedback 😀