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~Goku Black~Resurrection G~Mod Pack~

~Goku Black~Resurrection G~Mod Pack~~ModAuthor: Divyadeep~

Goku Black has been resurrected by using dragonballs by someone suspicious. The story continues after Zero Mortals Plan when the Resurrected Black arrives at the end (as seen in the previous video for Zero Mortals Plan). His pain is now far more intense than before. Enraged with power and hunger he plans to kill Goku & company. He travels using Gowasu's time ring into all the timelines to bathe in the blood of Z fighters.

After his resurrection by dragonballs, he powers upto the very visious limits. We don't know who is he, is he even Zamasu this time. We say this because Zamasu was erased by Beerus in this timeline. Everything is suspicious as an erasure of a person can not be reversed. But for now we know he is a Super Saiyan 4.

After his resurrection, Goku Black's power had intensely risen up and he became unstoppable. Falling out of options, the Z fighters had to call in Jiren, The Grey and Lord Beerus to take him out. Just at the brink of loosing to Jiren and Beerus, something terrible has happened. Yes, it is true..... Goku Black has triggered the "Ultra Instinct".......


PRIDE TROOPERS mod is needed for the auras used for ultra instinct!!! You need to drop the vfx folder in data and then re-install the mod again.



Thanx to Re:try for helping for this mod. Also, the permission from him to use the ean file he made for this mod, helped in the completion of mod.

Pride Troopers Aura Expansion:

PRIDE TROOPERS mod is needed for the auras used for ultra instinct!!! You need to drop the vfx folder in data and then re-install the mod again.

Also eternity for his Modding and Skill Editing/Creating Tool:




1.1~(Upadate 1 Released)

  • Corrected Aura For Stage 1 from Super Saiyan Aura To Rose Aura~Goku Black Resurrection 123.
  • Corrected Bust Colors After The Transformation~Goku Black Ultra Instinct (Full Clothes)
  • Added auto dogde msg and system files. Drag and drop.
  • Introduced Goku Black (The Unleashing)

~Let me know if you guys face any kind of issues with the mod~

Divyadeep Reehal
  • 16Mods
  • 3Followers

1.1 (Update 1)
File size
73.97 MB
Credit given to modders
January 4, 2018


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Divyadeep Reehal
  • 16Mods
  • 3Followers

1.1 (Update 1)
File size
73.97 MB
Credit given to modders
January 4, 2018

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