Goku Golden Super Saiyan 4 – Rockeronder

Hi guys this is the Goku Golden SSJ4 MOD, i took almost 1 week to do this, with some issues in the way xD
It has a custom Hairstyle, and its Golden, then i will make it with a custom portrait, muscles bigger and improve the Hair ok?
Meteor Crash
Burst Kamehameha
Riot Javelin
Maximum Charge
Super Kamehameha
Spirit Sword
Angry Shout
Thanks Feraz and Stealter for helping me fixing some issues, i Aprecciate!!!!!
How to Install:
1 - Install it with XV2 Installer xD
1.0 - Custom Hair, Fixed Issues
1.1 - Added Voices, Fixed Lines in Hair
1.2 - Custom Portrait
Coming Soon
Bigger Muscles
Hair Improvement