Goku Limit Breaker

Just another Goku Limit Breaker mod. This one is made by me and is OP (OverPowered or OnePunch!).There is also a non-OP version. The sides of the hair model are swapped,I will try to fix it. Any suggestions or requests? Tell me in the comments. Also please comment and rate my mod.
use XV2ins.
Version 1: First Release.
Version 2: Added a transformation.
Version 2.0000000001:Added Goku's pants for Human/Saiyan male.
Version 3:Added a Non-OP version but the transformation will make you OP.
Version 3.1:Reduced speed and reduced damage after transforming with the non-OP version.
Version 4: Made improvements i.e retextured it.
Version 5: Changed the hair model and replaced Breaker Combo with Ultimate Dragon Fist.
Version 6: Changed hair model (will improve it) and retextured the character.
Version 6.5: Changed the pants model, rist model and changed the voice.
Version 6.6: Changed camera animation for two skills.