Goku SSGSS Turtle Hermit Gi (Go)

Basically Goku SSGSS Turtle Hermit Gi (Go) with Kaioken Blue
X2m Method
1.0 Released version;
1.1 Updated to Skinny version;
1.2 Added 2 Slots! The first one have Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken, and the another one have the custom skill "Full Power!";
1.3 Remade Slot 2; Full Power! was totally remade, with a new animation and sound. Now, in this slot, you have Goku SS Blue, that transforms to Full Power!, then to Kaioken Blue, and Kaioken 10x . Also, I changed some special moves;
1.4 New Ultimate Attack: Kaioken Super Kamehameha.
1.5 Goku Ssb base model retextured. Hair and skin texture updated.