!!Goku (Super Series Black Saga)(H-Graphics)!!

Here Now I present Goku Super Series (It replaces Jaco)
Super Saiyan 1= Super Saiyan Blue
Super Saiyan 2=Super Saiyan Blue 2
Super Saiyan 3=Super Saiyan Blue 3
You Can Change Your Skills of jaco using mugenattack skill changer tool
Download From: http://animegamemods.freeforums.net/thread/85/mugenattacks-mod-tools
And Give Jaco 15 aura(in mugenattack aura tool value) means whis and ultimate gohan aura to jaco!!
get aura tool from here :Download From: http://animegamemods.freeforums.net/thread/85/mugenattacks-mod-tools
Just Put These Files Into datap3/data/chara/"here"!
and For Second Step Installation download these mod you get Installation.7z this file and extract images done this step then your mod work fine and Jaco Hell will gone!!
V.1.0-Goku Super Saiyan Blue 1 to 3
Installation.7z added