Goku (Tournament of Power)

This is my own attempt at recreating Goku from the Tournament of Power art. I already know there are a lot of people complaining that people who make these kind of mods are just making "disgusting, false SSJs", but at least give mine a shot before you judge it.
I also have a Twitter (https://twitter.com/TLAXenoverse2), a Discord server (discord.gg/xgFHyme ) and a YouTube that I plan on making videos on soon (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCagNyb01bj4KZH3hdoNrsYA).
Use Eternity's XV2 Mods Installer (http://animegamemods.freeforums.net/thread/821/xv2-mods-installer).
Modder's Recommendation: New slot
Version 1: Nothing has been changed yet.