Goku transformation for cac(bonus with goku hair)

This is my first transformation mods.
First, I would like to thanks GURLOK for his tutorial
and ETERNITY for his tutorial http://animegamemods.net/thread/2015/creaing-costume-xv2-creator.
The mod focus on goku so when transforme you will look like goku.
First transformation is kaoken
Second is ssj
Third is ssj3
Fourth is ssj4 (no animation for tail srry forgot everything will make it later)
Fifth is super saiyan god (hair-face and clothes when he first became ssjgod)
Sixth is super saiyan god super saiyan (hair-face and clothes when he first became ssjblue)
Seventh is super saiyan god super saiyan kaioken (hair-face and clothes when he first became ssjbluekaioken)
Eighth is ultra instinct (hair-face and clothes when he became ultra instinct with auto dodge)
Ninth is mastered ultra instinct (hair-face and clothes when he became mastered ultra instinct with auto dodge)
I have not added kaioken x... or ssbluekaioken x...
This mod is still in process once done it will have tail animation, for all race and transformation animation.
Mods also come with goku hair replacing hair style 1 also this mod works with accessosory goku wig
Run xv2ins as administrator
Then click yes when ask to also install gokualltranhair
For goku hair
copy and paste hum files to game directory then data/chara/hum
and enjoy
Will this work for the first xenoverse