Goku Ultra Instinct with Wildish hair + Andrew’s Anime Shading
It's just a Goku Ultra Instinct + Andrew's Anime Shading
Credits to :
-Teddy1245454 For The Hair
-Shen for The body, The eyes ans the skills
-AndrewGaming for Anime shading, here's the link from his mod : https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/andrews-anime-shaders/
and you will also need the lazybone transformations mod : https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/new-transformations-added-skills/
WARNING !!! : Someone steals my mod wihout crediting it, here is the link of his video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_JXW4pbPz4&lc=z22rirjhakisidxi004t1aokgk1opdmuxaewl5a1zmoqbk0h00410.1509318764667325
x2m method
1.6 : Not Final Version
1.7 : Probably fixed Unknow Skill Problem
1.8 : Boots Colors fixed
1.9 : Aura Fixed