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Grinns Transformation Line Pack V2.0 + SS4-SS5 (Bonus)

Grinns Transformation Line Pack V2.0 is here!

It's been a few weeks since I started this TF Line Pack and of course there's a bonus SS4-SS5 TF Line!

Big thanks to  @Grinns  for allowing me to use his Transformation as a resource for this pack, big salute to you my guy

This mod also requires Deez's Sparking Zero Aura Pack! If not installed some of the auras won't appear for you! Mod Link:

A big thanks also for the tutorials I found on the Citadel Server for some of the patches!

Patches + x2m Files


  • Grinns Transformation Line Pack V2.0
File size
76.97 MB
Credit given to modders
Grinns, Deez
October 19, 2024


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  1. Hello there, amazing mod but i have a problem, everything was installed, transformations are working, but i can’t transform into Legendary Super Saiyan, only Ikari, also the body is not changing when i transform.

  2. can you please add grinns version ultra ego revamp compatible without hair changing (the version in the grinn installer dont change the tail color even with dbl v4 tail fix mod) also i would love to have an x2m version for easy editing please consider

      1. utilise le joystick directionnel exemple sur son mod black gohan si je met mon joystick directionnel vers l’avant alors il sera ssj et la c’est pareil la façon dont tu bougera ton joystick te fera transformer déferrement tu peux même passer directement a la dernière transformation pour se qui on 3 stade et moin

          1. non ta pas besoin d’un autre mod t’installe que celui là et après t’utilise le joystick directionnel pour te transformer alors au début tu va avoir du mal mais après 3 ou 4 essaie tu y arrivera mieux

    1. utilise le joystick directionnel exemple sur son mod black gohan si je met mon joystick directionnel vers l’avant alors il sera ssj et la c’est pareil la façon dont tu bougera ton joystick te fera transformer déferrement tu peux même passer directement a la dernière transformation pour se qui on 3 stade et moin

  3. Question, does this mod haves all the phases of Broly’s transformation? because i am using the Ikari LSS and i thought it was the one to go if i wanted that, but i can only transform into the first phase, i have 6 Ki bars, do i need more to get the other forms?

File size
76.97 MB
Credit given to modders
Grinns, Deez
October 19, 2024

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