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Grinns Transformation Line Pack V2.0 + SS4-SS5 (Bonus)

Grinns Transformation Line Pack V2.0 is here!

It's been a few weeks since I started this TF Line Pack and of course there's a bonus SS4-SS5 TF Line!

Big thanks to ย @Grinnsย  for allowing me to use his Transformation as a resource for this pack, big salute to you my guy

This mod also requires Deez's Sparking Zero Aura Pack! If not installed some of the auras won't appear for you! Mod Link:

A big thanks also for the tutorials I found on the Citadel Server for some of the patches!

Patches + x2m Files


  • Grinns Transformation Line Pack V2.0
File size
76.97 MB
Credit given to modders
Grinns, Deez
October 19, 2024


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  1. nvm i just needed to do a directional input, but are the tails supposed to be that big in the SS4 SS4LB and SS5? also it wont let me load into photo mode with some of your transformations idk why but revamp depending on which transformation i have wont let me load into firing range

  2. Good morning, thank you very much to you and Grinn for this wonderful mod, if ever a standalone version without the sparking zero auras comes out I will use it. By the way, the last time I tried the mod, I had a problem with the camera when changing scenery or when using an ultimate skill. The screen would go black for a few seconds and you couldn’t see anything.

  3. I have a question, I’ve been learning to use the skill creator and edit like you told me…I was wondering if it’s possible to edit you transformations so they level up automatically instead of by inputs? (I have a cheap and old logitech controller and sometimes it eats my inputs and instead of transforming it drops me to base)

  4. hi, I would like to report some bug, the queue of transformations is super big unlike the basic one and I would like you to make a version without the Sparking auras because I have a bug where I cannot install the auras therefore the transformations we will not have

  5. Is anybody else having issues with installing the patcher? The instructions are patcher first then mod. I’m getting a fatal error code 8007007a and I cannot use the new transformations with it crashing. Am I doing something wrong here? Any help would be appreciated.

          1. Wouldn’t it be more appropriate (for Revamp’s anyway) if you switched the ear type to the type in the same group without the tail equipped so when a tail is added there’s no conflict?

File size
76.97 MB
Credit given to modders
Grinns, Deez
October 19, 2024

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