H-Xenoverse (SweetFX Preset)

Hello This is my SweetFX Preset i have been working on to go with HeirTalent's Coloring/Shading.
BY TH WAY HeirTalent has Released this H-Graphics Mod For Free SOOO GO GET IT!!!!HERE(https://gumroad.com/heirtalent#)
There are 2 Options, more may come. Mostly Sharpened image, made surfaces a bit more glossy, SMAA to help with AA, as well as Tweaked colors to be slightly more vibrant and with fuller colors.
Also turn these In-game settings off : FXAA, Glare, Depth of Field and Motion Blur.
And here is where i have gotten my settings for other things:
I use the 4x MSAA and the HBAO+ Settings for Nvidia Inspector (http://steamcommunity.com/app/323470/discussions/0/618456760267150915/)
I have a 2xWay SLI system, So If you do too the Nvidia Inspector Settings are here (https://steamcommunity.com/app/323470/discussions/0/617329150698978903/)
Credit for All character colors and shadings in photos go to Heirtalent (http://animegamemods.freeforums.net/thread/16/heirtalents-thread-vegito-ssj4-released)
Old SweetFx i Used By crazyjunkygames (https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/3115/) I based some of my work off this one, to help get to know how to configure and because his was the best SweetFx preset i could found when the game came one first.
Credit for Hit mod goes to Xan (http://animegamemods.freeforums.net/thread/94/xan-mods-hit-universe-6)
Credit for Champ mod goes to Sol Negro (http://animegamemods.freeforums.net/thread/25/mods-last-baby-adult-forms)
Credit for Universal World Tournament Stage mod goes to SonicDBZFan07 (http://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/universal-world-tournament-stage-mod/)
Credit for Goku GT mod goes to JanSSJ3 (http://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/goku-ssj-ssj2-ssj3-ssj4-transformation/)
To install Go Download SweetFX 1.5 Here (https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/shader/9/)
Then put all the files from SweetFX into your game's root folder, Then download my Mod. Pick option 1 or 2 (H-Xenoverse is 1 [my personal choice]) from here, overwrite the SweetFX_Settings.txt file in the root of your game folder with mine. Done, Enjoy!!
Added New Option Brighter & With Better Lighting [New Main Preset][Option 1] {made to look best with H-Graphics and Environments are lit up more in day and night) Name Change
Old Preset [DB Xenoverse V2] in Option 2 Folder with ScreenShots