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Hi, this is my first mod uploaded to the mods platform for XV2, but I already have two other mods that are sure to interest them, just that I am editing them to improve details.

As you read in the title I make my introduction with a package redesign of the hairstyle 004 for HUM. The pack contains the base hair corrected with its hair and all the transformations available in the NEW TRANSFORMATIONS pack.

  • Update: I must say that I myself have realized that much of my s#$%&! has not aged well at all, so that's why I thought about remaking some of the packs I have uploaded before (as long as I don't lose my motivation and go back to being lazy as usual, lol).What better than to remake my first hairpack this time polishing the details to the maximum. Now the models are all consistent with each other and all match in the hairline along with the sideburns of the original 004 hair, although the best part without a doubt would be that thanks to my friend @RB the normals of the models were corrected, so you will not see those annoying cuts in certain angles that they had before the update v.10. Without more to say, enjoy this, Johnny out.

(You must have installed New Transformations from the Lazybones pack)

Unzip the Zip and open the respective folders of each transformation and copy them the EMB, EMM and EMD files and paste them in

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 / data / chara / HUM.

If you want more hair of the game modified by me let me know, if I have the time I will gladly do them. ❀

v.1 Release.

v.2 New style for (SSRAGE-SSROSE), Add SS4 Hair - (Extra SSGSSE).

v.3 Add UI and MUI hair.

v.4 Ascended and Ultra transformations were added, new improved SS1 hair, The SS2 has been corrected and a new SSGSS hair.

v.5 Add a new design for the SS4.

v.6 New Design for the SS2.

v.7 New designs for the SS3, SSRAGE and SSG. Added two new hairs PU and SSJ5.

v.8 Fixed and improved the design of the SSJ and SSB.

v.9 Fixed and improved the design of the SSJ4.

v.10 A new improved design was added for SSJ2, SSJ4, Rage and UI-sign/MUI, now all hairstyles are consistent with each other in hairline and sideburns, most of the models' normal errors were corrected, and the pixelated emb that the hairstyles had before was fixed.

v.10 (Final Update)
File size
60.19 MB
Credit given to modders
April 18, 2024


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  1. I installed the mod with Unleashed transformation pack, The base form hair works, but it stays the same for ssj, ssj2, ssj4, EGO,UI,MUI. I’m pretty new to modding so can someone tell me how I can fix this, it seems like a simple fix but I’m not familiar with the tools

  2. Hello. I like your work. And the hair was also perfectly rendered. By the way, about the hair. Maybe you can give me some advice? I can’t choose a hair length that suits me. I would be grateful if you could share the information you have already found.

      1. U’d use whatever eye mod u got.

        For instance, when you generally get an eye mod, u get the dyt.emb (the colors and shading), the emb (textures), the emm (materials or (pencil lines)), and the emd (3d model).

        But, if u want to use it (obviously), u’d rename the eye files with the names i mentioned above (dyt.emb, emb, emd, and emm). But, you want to change the emb, emd, and emm names before the dyt.emb (just so the dyt.emb file doesn’t convert to an emb).

        For example:

        If u wanted to use eyes with pupils for your ssj and ssj2 forms, you’d change the name of the eyes u want to use to “HUM_297_Face_eye” for ssj and “HUM_298_Face_eye” for ssj2.

        It would look something like this:


        (the order doesn’t matter, though, it should come in that order).

    1. From my experience, there are multiple different ways to do this. The easiest way to do this is with simple steps:

      Step 1: Make a new folder on your desktop and call it “Custom Transformations”.

      Step 2: Go to the XV2 skill creator/editor (its specifically called xv2skilcreat) in your XV2INS folder.

      Step 3: Open the application, click the brown/tan colored manila folder, find your transformation X2M that u want to edit, and then go to the Transformation tab that is in between the PUP tab and the BCS tab.

      Step 4: Click the Enable box that is above the “Aura section” heading.

      Step 5: Go to the bottom left, click on the “Get from” box next to the Bcs hair color, than click “from HUM.bcs” (Im not sure if it really matters if u get it from “From HUF.bcs”).

      Step 6: Select whatever color u want your hair to be and press ok at the bottom

      Step 7: Click the blue floppy disk thingy (the thing next to the manila colored folder) to save ur changes.

      Step 8: Save the X2M to the folder u created earlier called “Custom Transformations” on ur desktop.

      Step 9: Open the XV2 Mods Installer. Install the transformation u just edited from your “Custom Transformations” folder on ur desktop.

      Step 10: Open Xenoverse 2 and have fun!!!!

      (Hope this was able to help you :)))))))))) )

v.10 (Final Update)
File size
60.19 MB
Credit given to modders
April 18, 2024

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