Hanasia Hair
Based on the spin-off of the DB multiverse about the queen of saiyans.
OBS: I'm not very well with rigging, so if someone want to improve the physics go ahead
Read the READ ME.txt if you want to use the the version with physics (Or follow the video).
Edit : The physics are improved, not perfect, but its smooter now :)
SPECIAL THANKS - Lazybone for the awokens
- Ryz for the Base hair installer
Open one of the folders, drag & drop the "data" folder in your game directory
(read the READ ME's)
1.0 - Base - SSJ1
1.1 - SSJ2
1.2 - SSJ4
2.0 - SSJ3
3.0 - Better physics
----- ssj 2 missing parts fixed
4.0 - More mane / New dyt on Base hair
----- Little improviment on SSJ 4 hair
4.1 - Missing hairband fixed on Base form (Thanks to Millenial for noticing)
5.0 - Legendary and SSJ5 Hairstyles
6.0 - SSJ God / SSJ Blue / SSJ Blue KK / SSJ BE / UI / MUI
----- Added LB Awoken with physic hairs
6.5 - LB Instaler for Base hair
----- Fixed UI hair glitching in the head
7.0 - Fixed LB Awokens (Base Hair Install isn't working)
To do:
- SSJ 3 ( x)
- SSJ 4 ( x)
OK so back again. I followed these vaugue useless intructions to the letter and I just get an infinite loading screen when loading fights. It would literally just take ONE FUCKING README that explains the process from start to finish. What should be used and what should not. Or even a video. Honestly is it too fucking much to ask? “Open one of the folders, drag & drop the “data” folder in your game directory” – IS NOT THE FUCKING PROCESS. IF IT WAS THE MOD WOULD BE WORKING.
Is it too much to ask that the section on this page labelled installation actually covered everything you needed to do for the installation??
Open one of the folders, drag & drop the “data” folder in your game directory
(read the READ ME’s) – WHICH GODDAMN README? There are 3 and none of them give you the full installation process.
Dont bother with mod. It looks great in the pictures but its not worth the hassle of trying to decipher what to do to get it working.
hey there, it was my fault, after looking into the awokens i found out that the ssj3 id was 296 instead of 299, now it has the correct files.
I tried to update it before but i absolutely couldnt manage to fix the base hair installer, so i ended up giving up and completely forgot afterwards
Ok I’ve been trying to do this for 2 days. Im not a modding noob, I’ve modded bethesda games and dark souls for years now. This is NOT a simple install. There are 3 readme’s all of them referring to different things. I want the LB awoken, and the only thing it says there is “Just install Lazybones New transformation mod.” WHICH IS CLEARLY NOT ALL YOU HAVE TO DO. The other Readme.txt is like “(Do it only if you want to edit your own awoken, otherwise just install the “LB Awoken (Physics)” of this mod)”. Which I have tried to, but my hairs don’t change at all. I understand people like to like to assume that anyone who cant do what they just done is an idiot.
Sorry that I’m a fucking smoothbrain retard who somehow has a degree. But was it too much to just provide one clear concise read me that explained what you could omit doing and what you could do? Or a video??
Sorry for the rudeness but I love the designs in this mod, their awesome but this gatekeeping is infuriating and maybe I’m being out of line but I’ve been sitting on this for like 24 hours that could have been avoided with JUST ONE CLEAR SET OF INSTRUCTIONS
Ok just came back to apologise for my comment. I was frustrated but that was no excuse for being that rude. Sorry to anyone that read it.
Hi what shader pack are you using?
what is the UI’s id?
Hello, I liked the Mod. There is a question I have, I am new to this mod thing. I would like it to only have ssj1 to ssj4, how could I edit it?