Hex Maniac’s hair by The Hair Maniac

Hello !
I tried a funny thing converting this hair model from Pokemon Masters and giving it Android 21 hair physics. It's not perfect since it's my first time tempering with SCD (XV2 "physics") but it's not bad at all for a first hahaha
Thus, I'd like to thank deeply Sackezo and JessyRoy that helped me a lot with the model and mostly the resizing of the hair scd esk. This mod wouldn't be here without their help :))
I hope you will like it !
Thank you,
Run the installer.exe :))
1.0: release
great mod! any chance you can make the head band colorable using the make up color?
Looks really good, but can u make a version without the hairband?
They finally got my favorite waifu in xenoverse 2 before GTA 6! (Lmao, just kidding. XD)
Yay! I love Hexy! 😀