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Hidden, Unplayable, Unused skills

Do you want to support me? =


This mod pack contains some of the unreachable skills that exist in the game.

Thank you for taking a look and have fun!

Please let me know if you encounter any problems. All skills were tested only on SYF so if any other race behaves weirdly (except for stretched limbs a bit too much) feel free to inform me on the mod page.


- Eternity for tools and tutorials

- Lazybone for save Editor

- Unleashed for EanAutomata

- Yuuki for YaBAC, YaBCM, YaEAN organizers

- The modding community for guides, tutorials, tips


Lastly, you can use any mod from this pack for your own mods, just make sure to credit me if you do :).


Ver. 23.01


- Rocket Tackle (Festival) - No longer removes accessories/transformation visual changes

  • 31Mods
  • 30Followers

File size
51.73 MB
January 2, 2025


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  1. So I found 2 bugs from galaxy breaker and rocket tackle (festival). GB has a chance for the opponent to not take any knock back after the blast. And for RT whenever you fully charge it ur hair will be back in base form. But other than that it was actually very good to use with them.

  2. Hey, for the skill god punisher festival, for some reason the camera is poorly placed, being too close and above my character. Is there any way to fix this, playing SYF. I did once had a mod that had this glitch fixed but I can’t find it anywhere a long time ago.

  3. amazing work!!

    one thing i noticed mainly from all the festival skills is that for example God Punisher (festival) the soul punisher ki blast at the end will go invisible & throw nothing, you still get the damage input tho! which is very nice still. i tested this with a male saiyan btw

  4. So, messing with some of these with a friend, most, if not all the moves we tried (Festival skills and Appetizer Rush [Gluttonous Rush]) didn’t play out the animations (laying down while watching).

    While other moves like Smile Charge and Zet Bullet just plain didn’t work half the time (dealing no damage) and dropped them early, also animations not playing either.

    Not sure what to do here honestly.

      1. Sorry for the late reply, but I used a female earthling for most of them, while my friend used a male saiyan.

        I had a couple skills on a female Majin but didn’t use her much before something broke on their end.

        I’m very new to modding anything at all (primarily a console player).

    1. Hi.

      To a certain extend, yes, however I am limited to only the animatons that can be found in cmn.ean. I have already updated Cookie Beam with a better fitting animaiton (though the enemy still faces the other way for some reason) so once a new version update for the mod pack is ready, that will be included as well.

    1. I tried a few approaches but all failed. However I might find a work-around that would involve remaking a pre-existing skill to have the visual effects of great-ape beams, but most likely the character animation will have to be different.

    1. Hi. I try every so often to make it playable but so far I had no luck unfortunatelly. I can only get the character to T-pose even if the proper animations are provided. I will look into it more again in the future but for now I am programming a quest.

  5. Hey, great job on the update for the Skills mate! Although I have to say that I’m still sad to not see the Frieza Soilder’s “Beam Rifle” Skill become usable yet. Perhaps something you could try in the next update or so?

    1. Thank you and I agree! xD
      I have tried for a few hours to get it working but alas… Right now I’m working on my PQ programming but once an update comes out (maybe a week from now?) I can try the beam rifle again.

    1. I have created Pretty Charge a few days ago too but I’m still experimenting with other skills before going for an upload (currently working on Mouth Cannon, Cookie Beam and Purification).

      As per facial expressions – Yeah, I’d love those too xD But unfortunately the most I can manage is make the skills useable by everyone without any major issues. But to be 100% honest, I have no idea how to work the facial animations 🙁

      Thank you for your kind words! 🙂

    1. Nope, unfortunately.

      I also don’t have all that much time as of late to even undergo in-depth testing. If I manage it, it will be updated within this mod 🙂

      On a side note I know that someone else did manage to do it, though I don’t remember who. Their mod changed core animations however and I’d like to do it in a way that uses no internal sources so that it is 100% guaranteed it will not mess up any game functionality.

  • 31Mods
  • 30Followers

File size
51.73 MB
January 2, 2025

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