Hit The Universe 6’s deadliest assassin From DBS Manga

Is A small mod about Hit with 2 slot, based on his version of dbs manga.
First Slot Have his aspect from U6 vs U7 Saga and begining of Tournament of Power Saga, and second slot is when Hit decided to show his full power that he got training by himself next to the battle vs Goku in U6 Vs U7 Tournament, and he dropped his skirt.(Like when piccolo drops his cape), Also I did a little adjustment in pupils.
The Second Slot have the Super Skill Called "Time Lag" (Like the official name), that is a new skill that was the secret plan of Hit when he was trying to defeat Jiren in DBS Manga. This was a team work, thanks to my friend Paradise Flames for Helping me with a half of the Skill.
Both slots have a custom version of "Full power" Awoken based on Pure progress of Vanilla version of Hit, but the Slot 1st have different stats in Pure progress of 2nd.
Thanks to my friend Persio_Z for Helped my with portraits.
I hope That You Enjoy This mod :D
With the Version Compatible with mods of XV2 and XV2 Ins
Released 04.05.2023
How do I use secondary hit skills?
The skill makes the effect of paralysis to the oponent then you have some seconds to attack with whatever skill that have
Thank bro
Thank so muchh
Nice Mod, Look great the Time Lag
the best mods
yesssss thanks bro