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Humanoid Black Form 2.0 “You Actually TURN BLACK” (Added Files)

Last month i released my humanoid black form which was based on frieza's strongest form in the DBS Manga.

I decided to revise it but this time YOU ACTUALLY TURN BLACK.

Thats right my brotha's, Gain the N word pass, and crush all the saiyan monkeys that might stand in your way.

Enjoy and stay tooned for the Humanoid  WHITE FORM-

2/26/2026 - Added face_forehead emb files for ssj4, which a lot of people may not have which could cause infinite loading. from my experience using them they should not cause any strange visible changes. if you do, just drag your other emb that was replaced (if you have one) back into your HUF or HUM folder

Of course install lazybones as it uses the ssj4 hair and eye ids, then xv2in the x2m file to become black

Gained the pass

  • 50Mods
  • 358Followers

File size
4.65 kB
February 26, 2024


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  1. i uninstalled the mod, but its still there. I first thought it would be a ability mod, but u spawn in this black form right at the begining. And now when i want to remove it its still there. I cant use other transformation because of ot. Any ideas how i fix this.

  2. If you’re still around, is there a chance you could make this work with Humans? In game it’s only for Sayians but the white for is for both and works great. I tried to force it to work but that didn’t pan out. All that happens when I tried to use it on even a Sayan is it gets stuck on the loading screen

    1. After even trying to fresh install transformation mods no luck, both the human god form and humanoid white work on my game just fine but both this and the previous humanoid black forms just brick into the loading screen

  3. If it’s not too much to ask, could you spare a bit of knowledge as to how you were able to change the skin color with an awoken skill? This is something I’ve trying to figure out myself with one I’m making for personal use.

  4. Both versions of the mod don’t work for me. Whenever I try to load into training mode or a PQ it just gets stuck in the loading screen. Your recent Majin transformation works for me but this one doesn’t. Do I need to uninstall and reinstall it or is there something else that could be messing it up

  • 50Mods
  • 358Followers

File size
4.65 kB
February 26, 2024

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