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Icejin Augmented Form Evolution – Normal > Golden > Black (from DBS Chapter 87) – for Frieza Race CAC

Depuis le chapitre 87 de DBS, Freezer possède une toute nouvelle transformation encore plus puissante que le Golden, j'ai nommé Black Freezer !

Étant très Fan de la race de Freezer dans Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, j'ai tout de suite penser à créer un mod pour permettre aux CAC de se transformer en Black Icejin...

Hélas, je n'ai même pas eu le temps de me pencher sur ce projet que des dizaines de Mods sur Black Frieza ont fait leur apparition en quelques jours, se qui m'a vite poussé à abandonné, ou plus exactement, à modifier mon idée pour non pas se transformer en Black Freezer mais en Black Cooler !

J'ai donc dépoussiérer l'un de mes vieux mods inachevés pour se transformer en Golden Cooler, et je l'ai revus, corrigé et améliorer à mort pour créer se qui est maintenant (mais pas pour longtemps) le mod le plus perfectionné et aboutit que j'ai jamais réaliser !

Grâce à lui, vous pourrez donc accéder à la Forme Augmentée de Cooler, puis à sa variante Dorée issue de SDBH et enfin une Forme Augmentée Noire entièrement nouvelle, qui en plus dispose d'une aura totalement customisée, bien entendu inclue dans le fichier RAR ! Alors amusez-vous bien !


Since chapter 87 of DBS, Freezer has a brand new transformation even more powerful than the Golden, I named Black Freezer!

Being a big fan of Frieza race in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, I immediately thought of creating a mod to allow CACs to transform into Black Icejin...

Alas, I didn't even have time to start working on this project as dozens of mods on Black Frieza appeared in a few days, which quickly pushed me to give up, or more exactly, to modify my idea to not transform into Black Freezer but into Black Cooler!

So I dusted off one of my old unfinished mods to turn into Golden Cooler, and I revised it, corrected it and improved it to heaven to create what is now (but not for long) the most perfected and accomplished mod I've ever made!

With that Mod, you will be able to access Cooler's Augmented Form, then its Golden variant from SDBH and finally a completely new Black Augmented Form, which also has a totally customized aura, of course included in the RAR file! So just have fun!



P.S :

Je tient énormément à remercié NoirNecro pour son Mod "Augmented Cooler Form" qui m'a servi d'inspiration pour confectionner ce mod-ci, je te dois beaucoup car sans toi, l'idée de ce mod ne me serait sans doute jamais venu, ce projet n'aurais jamais vu le jour, et ne serait encore moins arrivé à son terme, donc : Un Immense Merci à toi !


I would really like to thank NoirNecro for his "Augmented Cooler Form" mod which inspired me to make this mod, I owe you a lot because without you, the idea of this mod would probably never have come to me, this project would never have seen the light of day, and even less would have come to its end, so : A huge thanks to you!

Pour l'installation, utilisez l'installeur d'Eternity.

ATTENTION : installez d'abord le mod "New Transformations" de Lazybone (lien dans les fichiers READ ME présents dans l'archive), car il est indispensable au bon fonctionnement de mon mod, ensuite le pack d'aura (également dans l'archive), et ensuite seulement le mod lui-même !


For the installation, use the Eternity installer.

CAUTION : first install Lazybone's "New Transformations" mod (link in the READ ME files in the archive), because it's essential for my mod to work properly, then the aura pack (in the archive too), and only then the mod itself !

V2 (FR) :

  • Mise à jour des documents "READ ME" en Français et en Anglais

V2 (EN) :

  • Update of the "READ ME" text files in French and English.



V1 (FR) :

  • Publication

V1 (EN) :

  • Release


  • 19Mods
  • 26Followers

June 10, 2023


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  1. Absolutely adore this mod.
    However 2 questions
    Would it be possible to merge this skill and the freeza race forms from Lazybones? To get all forms in one skill (2nd, 3rd, Final, Augmented, Golden and Black)
    Could the augmented form give more of a height increase? I compared it to the 2nd and Augmented forms of Lazybones and those 2 were taller.

  2. Mod might be dead, but I’m getting a weird error. System.Exception: Failed at EEPK install phase (vfx/cmn/BlackAugmentedAuraPackFinal.vfxpackage). —> System.InvalidOperationException: AddPbindDependencies: The maximum allowed amount of textures has been reached. Cannot add anymore.

    1. How many mods did you installed ?

      I ask because mine is quite big, so it is possible that it conflicts with other mods already installed, and in this case, you will have to find which ones and uninstall them before you can install and use mine, and unfortunately, I can’t tell you which ones, sorry.

      In any case, I redownloaded the mod on my side, and reinstalled it, and everything works perfectly, both the aura and the skill.

      So the problem does not come from the mod itself…

      Also, be careful to first install Lazybone’s “New Transformations” mod before mine because it can’t work without it.

      1. I am also having the same problem with the too many textures. I just wanted to check: Are you sure just getting rid of whichever mod is the problem will fix the issue? This has been really annoying for a bunch of other mods and nobody else really has said what to do short of uninstalling all mods. I don’t mind scrubbing some of my more recent mods to fix it I just know I’d hate to have to reinstall over 1000 mods lol

    1. yes, it’s quite possible, but why ?
      I’ve just test the mod with the latest version of the game and the latest version of lazybone, and everything worked perfectly, so I don’t see the point of making it independent when everything still works fine ???
      is there a problem with lazybone and the game on your side ?

  3. I’ve updated the READ ME files in the mod’s archive, as well as the “Installation” tab on the site, to add the need of install Lazybone’s “New Transformations” mod first, which I’d clumsily forgot to specify beforehand ; sorry again for the error…

  4. For some reason the mod isn’t working for me, I am only getting an infinite loading screen. Someone has claimed that it doesn’t work with the 4.0 version of the patcher. Could you confirm this please?

    1. I’ve retested the mod on my side, and it works very well !

      On my first try, I did indeed get an infinite loading screen, but that was only because I’d forgot to install Lazybone’s “New Transformations” mod, which is essential for my mod to work ; so, once that oversight corrected, my mod worked perfectly.

      So check that “New Transformations” is installed, as well as the aura pack included in my mod, if not, reinstall them, and if the problem reamains, uninstall>reinstall all your mods.

      And if even after that, it still doesn’t work, i’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do for you.

  5. A great Mod, just two questions:
    1- Why do my toes disappear when I transform into Black Cooler?
    2- Could you explain how to edit the hairstyle of the transformation to match the one of my CAC? I tried to replace the mod’s Hair files with those of my FRI renaming them as 10000 but when I transform the default hairstyle still appears and I want to put Janemba’s (I think it’s hairstyle 015)
    3- Sorry for my english

    1. As I said to Braxton, I tried the mod with the patcher version 4.00 and it works very well.

      If it doesn’t work, check that all the needed-files are active, i.e. the aura pack and the “New Transformations” mod from lazybone, and if not, install them then reinstall the mod.

      However, I have to admit that this is a bit of my fault, because while reverifying, I discovered to my great surprise that I hadn’t indicated anywhere, neither in the mod nor in the installation guide, the need for the lazybone “New Transformations” mod ; so I’m going to update the guide and the READ ME files to include this condition, apologies for the oversight.

    1. For the first part of your question, it’s a secret, and for the moment anyway, I wish it would stay that way, sorry…

      For the second part, I thank you for your comment, and know that I agree with you because in the vanilla game, transformation level, there is only for saiyans, the other races never receive new transformations while they could clearly, and it’s not fair ; it’s precisely to solve this selfish problem that I work so much on my mods for all the other races.

    1. If I made this transformation immortal, it is in reference to the fact that Goku and Vegeta could not inflict any damage to Black Frieza.

      For this reason, as soon as Goku and Vegeta have each found a transformation that allows them to damage Frieza in black form, I will update my mod to make it possible to take damage in this form.

        1. Oh I’m sorry, but it requires a level of modding that I don’t have. And even if I could do it, it would take me a lot of time.

          That said, I think we can say that my mod already answers half of this request :

          unlike the golden vanilla, my mod’s golden as well as the black form doesn’t change the color of the crystals, and the black form breastplate uses the CAC armor color ; in other words, the colors chosen by the player during the creation of the CAC

  • 19Mods
  • 26Followers

June 10, 2023

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