Invincible Automatically Attacking Overpowered Cube

Do you want to play Xenoverse 2 without actually playing it?
Do you hate fun?
Do you literally just want to clear parallel quests and not use any brainpower?
I introduce: The Invincible Automatically Attacking Overpowered Cube (IAAO)
What is this? This is yet another overpowered character but you don't have to press a button to attack. Just load into a battle, do nothing and all your enemies will crumble when they approach you! You don't even have to target them, but that makes things faster.
He has multiple skills too.
One is a Supernova that automatically teleports to your foes to take out a large group of characters.
And finally, if you go up against another overpowered mod which can't take damage, well the cube has a solution for that too!
"Darkness Rush Square OP" is darkness rush but it deletes the opponent at the end. AND THE CAC CAN USE IT TOO.
Also, if you do manage to attack him, the hit will not land, it literally won't register unless you are, ironically, blocking.
Okay this is my attempt to make "the most overpowered mod" but I really just got bored. He is set to automatically attack the enemy, I have gone through painstaking effort to make each action he has invincible and give him super armor as a safety net. The Hakai Rush is just a really lazy way of making a skill that removes the opponent, but it works. The cac can use it.
I want somebody who cares about this goal more to make an even more overpowered mod so ANY MODDER CAN USE THE ASSETS OF THIS MOD WITHOUT CREDIT TO ME.
Install the Main X2m
if something is acting dysfunctional you can install the seperate skills provided but ONLY IF something is acting up.
Can you make like a Transformation for all CaC’s that makes them invincible plz? But I mean like they take no damage and especially the no Hitbox thing. That was awesome wish I had that. It would also be cool if we had a damage boost by 5 times as to not make the fights boring, and a 3 times speed boost, and max Ki, Stamina, and HP. That would be the bets thing ever, and it would allow some of us to test out all the skills and moves without being interrupted mid technique by Guard Breaks. Plz you’d be a Godsent
It’s coming…
A game unlike anything you’ve ever seen.
Prepare yourself… for
In development for over a decade, CUBE will take you to a whole new dimension of computer games.
Featuring the latest in 3D pictures and the newest technologies that make calculators look like the cotton gin.
Pick up your control switch and enter another world. You are now Cube, Defender of the Polyverse.
Collect the diamonds and reach the goal. Every goal leads to a new color level. Blue. Green. Orange. The fun cannot be halted!
But be careful, you will face many obstructions in your path. It’s up to you to guide Cube around the things that Cube cannot go through.
And just maybe, if you’re brave enough and enough of a game master, you will reach Level Red, where you will face… “The Dreaded Cone”.
that’s unfortunate but there is actually a mod that can beat the cube ( not erase him or whatever else) the cube can be K.O’ed