Jade (A W.I.P.)
This was a mod I made of my main avatar with a twist. There is four x2m files of the same character but with different skills and stats. This character isn't from the dragon ball universe, but from the Pokemon universe.
For those who don't care about lore or that of anything Pokemon related ignore this bottom section.
Jade is a martial artist who trained beyond his limits every day to reach the power of the gods. In only a span of three years Jade has come as far as to be equals with Cobalion in terms of power. The limit of his powers goes as far as to be equal to that of both Dialga and Palkia combined. There is however a limit to what Jade is able to withstand. Jade can only use his max power for five minutes. After the five minutes are up Jade's body starts to malfunction severely. Leading to a heat that melts most things ice. There is two versions of Jade, a normal version, and a corrupted version. Since Jade was nine an ancient deity has slept in his body. It's only when he turned nineteen that it had awoken. It leaves a purple static that he just can't get past. This ancient deity would just so happen to be a part of Arceus' mind and soul that had faltered and gave creation to a corrupted remanence.
Use x2vins https://animegamemods.net/thread/821/xv2-mods-installer to install the x2m files and use XV2SSEdit https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/xv2-super-soul-editor/ to "install" the ssp files.
Please read: Make sure you have things in this order and in the right slot:
Jade (Casual Clothes).x2m (First of Own Character Slot)<---> Use Super Soul "Alright You Got My Attention" Jade (Training Gi).x2m (Second of Character Slot used for Jade (Casual Clothes).x2m) <---> Use Super Soul "This Should Be Fun" Jade (Corrupted - Casual Clothes).x2m (Third of Character Slot used for Jade (Casual Clothes).x2m)<---> Use Super Soul "Hell Awaits The Damned" Jade (Corrupted - Training Gi).x2m (Fourth and Last of Character Slot used for Jade (Casual Clothes).x2m) <---> Use Super Soul "Thy God Has Failed All Of Thou"
If you have to, you can edit the x2m files to use said supersouls. Super Soul "Alright You Got My Attention" uses id 1005 Super Soul "This Should Be Fun" uses id 1006 Super Soul "Hell Awaits The Damned" uses id 1003 Super Soul "Thy God Has Failed All Of Thou" uses id 1004
Atm with version 0.1 and 0.2 these super souls don't do anything special other than activate auto just guard when you limit burst.
Version 0.2: -Added a different moveset for each and every slot. (1st Slot: Saiyan Male Moveset) (2nd Slot: SSGSS Vegeta Moveset) (3rd Slot: Vegito Moveset) (4th Slot: UI Goku Moveset)