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Just a Super Saiyan 4 Limitbreaker Aura

So I have put together some already great looking auras(courtesy of their creators) to result to...well-uh,another great looking aura(+1 more now)! Since I did almost nothing much but use their assets, the credits & thanks to~~

The Zero Mortals Team (well specifically,whoever among them made the aura for their LBSS4 Xeno Vegetto, used it as a base for type 2)

The Revampteam (for some assets from their LBSS4 aura used in type 2)

Shakaro (used his LBSSS4 aura as the base for type 1)

Deez (for the particles in type 1)

Deaky (for the sparks in type 1)

This how they look like (don't mind the quality on the gifs);

Type 1-

Type 2 -


Read the changelog.

They've got separate installers.

[Read the README!]

update 1-added a new vanilla-style aura

update 2-cleaned up the type 1 aura a bit and added values other than just henshin start

- Fixed a minor bug with the installer of type 1

update 3-Corrected a mistake with an ID value for type 2 aura

Update 4- Edited the readme and corrected major errors regarding id values  for type 2(mb). Removed all effects other than henshin start, the main one (you have to assign values other than henshin start of your choice).

Pickles Square
  • 5Mods
  • 2Followers

File size
18.26 MB
Credit given to modders
Zero Mortals Team, Revamp Team, Deaky, Deez, Shakaro
April 3, 2024


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  1. Why is the aura not working? I put literally all the codes in the correct areas on the skill create tool. This always happens with everything and now since it has, most auras have been erased and have no idea how to restore them

Pickles Square
  • 5Mods
  • 2Followers

File size
18.26 MB
Credit given to modders
Zero Mortals Team, Revamp Team, Deaky, Deez, Shakaro
April 3, 2024

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