Kaio-Shin Goku (custom moveset)
Happy new year everyone !
Still some minor bugs in the moveset but hope you will enjoy it :)
First install the x2m with eternity tool
Then you will need to edit the bac because everyone have diffrent skill ID, for me the ID is 1668, yours will probably be different.
Go to ...Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2/data/skill/SPA and search for "BHW" Copy the ID of BHW, for me it's 1668 after that go to ...Dragon Ball Xenoverse2/data/chara/KGK Open "KGK_PLAYER.bac.xml" with WORDPAD and go to button "Replace" Fill "find what" with "<SKILL_ID value="1668" />" and replace with "<SKILL_ID value="PUT YOUR ID HERE" />" then click on Replace All Save & Close then Drag & drop "KGK_PLAYER.bac.xml" to genser.exe ( you can download this tool from here http://animegamemods.freeforums.net/thread/701/tools-eternity