Kaioken x100 for CaC
Humans can not turn into Super Sayajins, so they need another way to increase their strength, and the Kaioken is for that.
With a lot of "training" (zenis) anyone can get the Kaioken x100, which drains its stamina quickly, but greatly increases its power.
Stage 1 - Kaioken x3 - 0 KI Stage 2 - Kaioken x20 - 400 KI Stage 3 - Kaioken x100 - 500 KI
Credits to the Pride Troopers for the aura! You must have the Pride Trooper Aura Expansion installed for this mod to work as intended. You can download it here! https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mod/edit/id/259196/
X2M Installer
1.55 - Release
1.56 - Kaioken x100 is draining the character's life.
1.81 - Aura Changed and Kaioken x100 nerfed