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Welcome to the KAKAROT FUSIONS aura pack page!

This aura pack includes a series of auras from official to fan made transformations.

Inside you will find auras mixed with the vanilla assets and the KAKAROT AURAS PACK (Kinda tried a Legends look).

Please read below for any changes made to the pack such as Add-ons, improvements etc.

Please leave your comments down below and enjoy the mod!

Drag and Drop the folder into somewhere nice! Run the installation and choose 1 by one which auras you want to install

1.1 An option for Shader Friendly lighting has been added to the installer Super Saiyan Rage, Super Saiyan Blue, Super Saiyan Blue 2, Super Saiyan Rose, Super Saiyan Rose 2, Beast Form and Super Saiyan 5 have been remade. (Especially Rose and Rage) VILLAINOUS FORMS HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE ROSTER! GODLY LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN FORMS HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE ROSTER! SUPER SAIYAN ROSE EVOLUTION HAS BEEN READDED TO THE ROSTER Ultra Ego has 1 more effect added.

Deez Mods Only
  • 23Mods
  • 122Followers

File size
49.68 MB
February 17, 2024


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  1. Hey, im using this in conjunction with LB‘s transformations mod. Starting at SSBKKx10 it seems to mess up the optics. So LB apparently has a red glow on top of the body that’s missing wirh your pack. Also SSBKKx20 doesn’t have an aura at all. Is there a fix for this so I can keep using your auras?

  2. Your mod is great, but for some actions ( probably just an impression for me ) the vanilla part of the auras seems visually less brighter than the kakarot part. Wouldn’t it be visually more impressive to mix the kakarot auras pack with the enhanced vanilla auras pack.
    Otherwise, great work !

  3. Hello i have a problem. I am using SUPER SAYIAN 4 ULTRA INSTICNT MOD it have ss4 transfromation and ss4 ultra instinct. And the problem i have is that for ss4 transformation aura i had to change Entry 1 and for ss4 ui i had to change aura in entry 0 which is weird because Entry 0 is for first transformation and Entry 1 for secound but this is not the problem. So i figured out and changed auras for each of them and they work but the transformation aura it self is messed up somehow because when i entering 1st form it uses 2nd form aura and when im transforming to 2nd form it uses ui aura. I checked many times that i use correct ids and stuff. At the moment i think its caused by this thing that made 1st form Entry 1 and 2nd form entry 0. Do you have any idea what can cause this?

  4. Hey, not sure if im the only one having this issue, but the Rose Evo aura aint showing up for me, i got the charge and the boost loop working, but the aura itself aint showing, not sure if i put the wrong BoostStart, but i noticed that its the same as SSR2, so if anyone has a fix, lmk

Deez Mods Only
  • 23Mods
  • 122Followers

File size
49.68 MB
February 17, 2024

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