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Welcome to the KAKAROT FUSIONS aura pack page!

This aura pack includes a series of auras from official to fan made transformations.

Inside you will find auras mixed with the vanilla assets and the KAKAROT AURAS PACK (Kinda tried a Legends look).

Please read below for any changes made to the pack such as Add-ons, improvements etc.

Please leave your comments down below and enjoy the mod!

Drag and Drop the folder into somewhere nice! Run the installation and choose 1 by one which auras you want to install

1.1 An option for Shader Friendly lighting has been added to the installer Super Saiyan Rage, Super Saiyan Blue, Super Saiyan Blue 2, Super Saiyan Rose, Super Saiyan Rose 2, Beast Form and Super Saiyan 5 have been remade. (Especially Rose and Rage) VILLAINOUS FORMS HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE ROSTER! GODLY LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN FORMS HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE ROSTER! SUPER SAIYAN ROSE EVOLUTION HAS BEEN READDED TO THE ROSTER Ultra Ego has 1 more effect added.

Deez Mods Only
  • 23Mods
  • 121Followers

File size
49.68 MB
February 17, 2024


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    1. Hi, just go to the ‘.exe file’ of the previously installed aura pack and run it again. When you do, you’ll get an option to either ‘reinstall’ or ‘uninstall’ the aura pack, so click on ‘uninstall’ and run it. That’s all.

  1. Alrighty sorry for blowing this up, I’m new to modding so questions are something i got in my head, but i was curious to know how you got the additional aura outline around certain characters (Goku, Ultimate Gohan, ETC.), again I’m new to modding so if its an easy thing i could’ve figured out i apologize. (also curious about where you got most of the awakening skills from. I have Fluffy’s all saiyan transformation from here and that’s about it)

  2. Love this mod it was exactly what i was looking for when i began modding earlier, just a quick question what transformation mods are you using for CaC at the end and Ultra ego? i only ask as i have Lazybones more transformations and wondered who made those and if they’re compatible with it.

  3. This is the best Aura Mod out there. Pure epic eyecandy. Needs 6 stars.

    For anyone having issues with the texture limit, go into “data/vfx/cmn” and delete everything inside and install. I backed up these files just in case there was anything important. I would also assume you can stack new aura files (like Black Frieza) by repeating this process, bypassing the installer checks. After all, xpatcher has a aura_limit_remover patch and doesn’t live up to its name.

Deez Mods Only
  • 23Mods
  • 121Followers

File size
49.68 MB
February 17, 2024

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