KF Pack #1: Goku Reborn / All Custom Moveset

So, all of these mods that we have made, have been leading to this one point. We have worked hard to produce 10 KF Mods, along with their respective transformations, variations and custom movesets! This pack contains the first 10 KF Mods we have made: (Enjoy!)
-KF SSB Goku (LSSJ Broly Fused) - Broku KF
-KF Gogeta (Vegito Fused) - SSJ1 - SSBSSJ4
-KF Goku Black (fused Zamasu Fused) - 2 Variants
-KF Vegito (Goku Black Fused) - Base - SSJ1 - SSB
-KF SSB Goku (SSG Goku Fused)
-KF Fused Zamasu (Goku Black Fused) - 2 Variants
-KF SSB Goku (SSJ4 Goku Fused)
-KF SSG Goku (Goku Black Fused)
-KF SSB Goku (SSJ3 Goku Fused)
-KF SSJ Bardock (SSB Goku Fused) - SSJ1 - SSJ2 - SSJ3 (Only in this pack)
Also, thanks to Sam_SYI for the EX Band. He made this entire asset for all of these mods.
_T422_ [Model, Custom Moveset]
Arcky [Video, Screenshots]
DiegoForFun [Model]
v1.0 - Added All KF Characters + Custom Moveset's
- Added KF Pack #1: Goku Reborn (All of these KF Fusions have Goku fused into them)