learnbob789’s New Namekian Outfit XV1-XV2 X2M conversion
Hello there ladies and gentlemen!
I had made a quick X2M conversion of learnbob789's fantastic mod for Xenoverse 1, a request he did for a Namekian outfit. You can view the link for the mod here:New Namekian Outfit
I asked the author for permission and thankfully, he gave me the go ahead to release it publicly. I figured it would be nice to have more options for Namekians since I prefer to play a Namekian CAC for my main character. They really don't get much, and I was lucky enough to find learnbob's mod from the previous game.
It's all thanks to learnbob789 that we now have more options for the proud........ish Namekian race!
This is a complete set, with a nice accessory to boot. I made it match Piccolo's clothes in stats and pricing. I apologize that it doesn't include the Human/Saiyan version, but I can put that in there if anyone requests it. I figured humans have enough modded clothing as is.
Normal X2M install.
Initial Release converted to X2M
Did you also convert the boots? I installed the mod for xv2 and I can find all the other equipment except for the boots. It’s not in the shop like the others. I even opened save editor to see if I could find it there but no luck.