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Legendary Control (True! Legendary Super Saiyan Transformation) for Saiyan Male

Release the legendary Super Saiyan within yourself.

There are 4 stages to this transformation last one being my own touch.

I would like to thank lazybones for making this possible :

Required Mods

You will require Lazybones Transformation mod for this to work -

You will also need Aura Pack -

You will need Deaky's Aura Pack -

If you like my work and would like to support me you can donate bellow (I will never put anything behind a paywall so support is optional) - or

My Channel

Comes with skills.

//// Here is step by step instructions to get it to work correctly! (MUST FOLLOW!!)

Uninstall Previous Versions!

Make sure you uninstall previous versions including the BCS Entry's !!!

Step 1: Install the New Transformations Installer.exe download here:

Step 2: Install the "LB Mod Installer.exe the azura aura pack here:

Step 3: Install the INSTALL Pride Trooper Aura Expansion.exe -

Step 4: Install Legendary Control Aura.exe inside the Aura Installer folder within the mod.

Step 5: Install Legendary Control (Male Only).x2m file within the xv2ins.exe (Make sure to uninstall previous versions including the BCS entry)

Run the game!!

Troubleshoot ============

If you are getting errors while trying to install LazyBone Installer or aura pack installer follow instructions bellow

Step 1: Go to C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDB Xenoverse 2datavfx

Step 2: Delete "cmn" folder

Step 3: Follow Instructions again listed above and it should fix your issues with auras not displaying as intended.

Changes to 1.5

  • Added 4 new custom auras, 3 of which are my own to suit the transformation style.
  • Changed flying aura for stage 3 to be correct size for the body.
  • Changed Hair for last 2 stages.
  • 14Mods
  • 11Followers

File size
26.90 MB
Credit given to modders
March 16, 2020


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  1. Frankly I am not sure what I did first but I got the mod to work just fine, it’s been a while and I installed too many quests so I had to wipe my mods and when i reinstalled them I was stuck inf loading in fights if I had lssj on. I tried fixing it but I got the same error code for the legendary aura exe, deaky aura pack exe, and pride trooper aura exe. Clearly I am not the only one but I also got it to work before so frankly I am at a loss. Sad part is this became my favorite form for my main cac so it is a hard blow to lose it

  2. try to install this best version of the legendary but everytime i try to install pride troopers i get a error and when i try the aura installer from this mod it also says error how do i fix this problem even got deleted the cmn folder but not working

  3. yo how much would you charge me for a legendary limitbreaker 4 2stage transformation. i just want stage one and 2 of your legendary control size and model as lssj4 the white eyes and the ssj4 transformation in those 2 stages model size please bro

  4. Hi

    I get this error when i try and install the aura can anyone help?

    ystem.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
    Parameter name: index
    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
    at Xv2CoreLib.StringEx.GetStringSize(List`1 bytes, Int32 index)
    at Xv2CoreLib.StringEx.GetString(List`1 bytes, Int32 index, Boolean useNullText, EncodingType encodingType, Int32 maxSize, Boolean useNullTerminator)
    at Xv2CoreLib.CUS.Parser.GetSkillEntries(Int32 count, Int32 offset)
    at Xv2CoreLib.CUS.Parser.Parse()
    at Xv2CoreLib.CUS.Parser..ctor(Byte[] _bytes)
    at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install_NEW.GetParsedFileFromGame(String path, Xv2FileIO fileIO, Boolean onlyFromCpk, Boolean raiseEx)
    at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install_NEW.GetParsedFile[T](String path, Boolean fromCpk, Boolean raiseEx)
    at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install_NEW..ctor(InstallerXml _installerXml, ZipReader _zipManager, MainWindow parent, Xv2FileIO fileIO, FileCacheManager _fileManager)
    at LB_Mod_Installer.MainWindow.d__76.MoveNext()

  • 14Mods
  • 11Followers

File size
26.90 MB
Credit given to modders
March 16, 2020

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