I'm creating a mod of a "special" transformation of Vegeta. It's like a version of the SS4 in a grey colour. It has the armor from Vegeta SSGSS Evolved, the pants from the Whis suit, boots and rist from normal armor and the rest is of the SS4. The mod will change pretty much so this is just to release it. It may be a bit broken, if u want him to be less strong, change the stats with character creator or tell me
I was thinking that would be nice a God of Destruction Vegeta with a own transformation for him, I think that can be good a form that only the royal family (King Vegeta and Prince Vegeta) can reach and it would be nice to be related with the ozaru, so I think that ssj4 is a good base
Just open the file
-Added tail
-Added God of Destruction bust part
Your mod is very good, congratulations! I made a video about it, hope this is not a problem, if you want to check out the video, this is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dg7FJy2FWNk
No problem bro, for me it’s better, I’m adding some parts of destruction god clothe’s, will be an update soon
Also I added a tail
Did u change the aura?? Or the game put it like that?
I have some mods that change the aura, probably some of them must have left the aura that way. About updates, I found a great fit.