Legendary Rage Moveset (Request)

A combination of DBS Broly and Goku UI Requested by Moon2001. Tail supported
Thanks to The Beyonders for letting me use the Ki Charge: https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/super-broly-ki-charge/
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The effects installer isnt working, it gets an error when I try to use it, any help?
Game crashes the second i land an attack and receive damage. I also get infinite loading screens. this is all with SYF
So I’ve completely uninstalled all my mods and the moveset works, however it’s incompatible w/ a certain mod or more. I’ll figure it out, I’ll also post back to which one it is!
Can you make a full Ki Blast- based moveset next plz?
como se llama el mod para q el juego se vea con esos graficos ?
I get infinite loading screen when I installed the moveset installer.
For some reason now I can only use the cacs I actually installed this on? Installed it for SYF but any matches that include any other cac race or gender just don’t work now, infinite load screen.
Yep! Totally using this for my legendary saiyan cac