Lightning and Thunder awoken skills for Earthling characters

Earthlings seem to be forgotten in the Dragon ball universe and that doesn't seem fair to me, so I've made transformations for your Earthling Cac's, making them rival in strength all of the saiyans and their forms.
This mod contains 2 transformations, Lightning unleashed and Thunder Unleashed, i hope to give more lore about them in the future with new mods and quests but for now here is a little bit of lore so that you can get the general idea.
Every species trough generations has the ability to connect with the elements of their home planet, and so humans can do that too! Unleash the power of lightning and later even thunder, harvest the speed of lightning and power of thunder and rival anyone in the whole universe!
This ability is not available to any other species as they don't have the connection to the earth like a human. Saiyans have no home planet as both planets Sadal and Vegeta where destroyed, saiyan hybrids have only half of the required connection for this power.
Hope you enjoy!
*Edit: The mod has been updated (If anyone still cares about this skill)
This mod would be impossible to make without Bura and Shakaro and huge thanks to both of them for giving me permission to use their assets!
The aura files for transformations are used from Buras Beyond the limits! Gogeta: Xeno! (Base-SSJ-SSJ2-SSJ3-SSJ4-SSJ4KK-SSJ4LB), and edited (thunder transformation is exactly the same as Super saiyan blue barrier and provided for ease of use).
Also like any other transformation mod out there this mod relies on lazybone New transformations (Added skills) mod and is necessary for this mod to work.
In order to use these files with their auras user must:
Firstly install "New transformations (Added Skills)" from lazybone. Secondly install the auras that come with the files (If user plans on using only one of the awoken skills they can ignore the other) Thirdly install the mod file presented.
Read readme file
There’s a problem with lightning Unleashed where it doesn’t appear at all, I even tried to use save editor to access it but when I reload the game it doesn’t appear in my equitable awoken’s or preset.
Thunder Unleashed work’s 100% fine and I love the effort you put into it, it feel’s official.
Will this be updated for Revamp 5.0?
This works on Revamp, although Lightning Unleashed changed my female cac’s hair which I think is not supposed to happen
Something that would improve the mod would be to unify the transformations, for me. Lightning = ssj and Thunder = ssj2 for example
hi! first off i love this mod but i have an issue. whenever my HUF uses lightning unleashed her hair changes. any ideas as to why?
for anyone wondering why your characters idle is a death anim, its because the mod probably uses a ssj3 idle stance, as seen in the thumbnail, but earthlings usually dont have that stance so it glitches out, i cant think of any ways to fix this without getting a hum moveset mod that gives you a ssj3 stance or something, lmk if any of yall have any fixes
I did an update to this mod, I apologize for the inconveniences you encountered and i hope that this patch fixes it. Please leave updated feedback so i know if there are any new or persisting bugs to fix and if you haven’t encountered any, tell me that as well so i can breathe more easily
Best regards and hope you keep enjoying this mod
Don’t use this mod, as far as I can tell it doesn’t work, and having it on your character prevents any mission from loading.
I did an update to this mod, I apologize for the inconveniences you encountered and i hope that this patch fixes it. Please leave updated feedback so i know if there are any new or persisting bugs to fix and if you haven’t encountered any, tell me that as well so i can breathe more easily
Best regards and hope you keep enjoying this mod
This mod is absolutely fantastic and I intend to continue using it for a long while! 😀
However, the only major problem that I have with this mod is that when I stand idle, my CAC enters the “dead position” that occurs when you faint in battle. If you could fix this, I would really appreciate it!
Thank you for your kind words and i hope you will keep enjoying this mod. I did an update where I addressed the issues regarding the idle animation and some smaller fixes i encountered. I hope you will try the updated version and leave new feedback regarding the new/persisting issues or if there are none.
Thank you again, your comment motivated me to continue working on this mod and try to expand this into a project i had originally planned. Best regards
FAIR WARNING to all ye who are thinking about installing this mod. This is a AUR corrupting mod, as nasty as a virus itself, if you have custom auras and you install this on top, your AUR file is done and I pray to god you made a back up or you’re done! Avoid like the plague.
I don’t think this will EVER be updated.
Hello, the mod has been updated, please try it out again and leave a feedback
Best regards
Hey just wanted to leave a comment! The Lightning Unleashed Skill does not appear in the skill shop nor my skills list and the Thunder Unleashed has a Janky laying down idle pose, any possibility you could fix this?
just wanna know bc this is honestly one of the coolest transformations ive seen and would hate for it to be lost in broken limbo
I did an update to this mod, I apologize for the inconveniences you encountered and i hope that this patch fixes it. Please leave updated feedback so i know if there are any new or persisting bugs to fix and if you haven’t encountered any, tell me that as well so i can breathe more easily
Best regards and hope you keep enjoying this mod
Can u create a Fire woken pls ?
for some reason when i transform my character is laying down even when in the air same happens when i try to use beast mode
The mod needs to be fixed whenever i use thunder my cac is lying dead
I did an update to this mod, I apologize for the inconveniences you encountered and i hope that this patch fixes it. Please leave updated feedback so i know if there are any new or persisting bugs to fix and if you haven’t encountered any, tell me that as well so i can breathe more easily
Best regards and hope you keep enjoying this mod
can you make a version of it where you can have them both in one skill like super saiyan 1 and 2
I updated my game to version 1.19.1 and this transformation has stopped working, what could it be?
could someone help me with this?
(goes into infinite loop when equipped)
I know this is supposed to be for Earthlings and all, but HEAR ME OUT-
ok so i have never modded before.. how the hell do i do this?
This is really awesome! Will you do the other elements as well? Like Fire, Wind, Light and such?
I have already replied to this question in earlier comment but thank for your interest, i hope to get all 5 if i can make them work and look uniquely, but now I’m trying to develop a quest and a master character (when i figure out how to make either) so the lore can be inside of game too, not just here.
Hope you will enjoy this one untill i make more content.
the thunder transformation pops up in the skill shop but the lightning 1 doesn’t ?
I didn’t encounter that before, check if you already have it?
And I also noticed after uninstalling both transformation’s, my male earthlings still have the Move set for the transformation’s.
I uninstalled both and uninstalled the installer’s for both, yet its still there.
For the moveset (i did’t know that was in there) you can use the moveset reset from new transformations (…\New Transformations 3.4.1\New Transformations 3.4\4. Extra\Reset moveset.exe) i never intended for that moveset to be a part of this mod and will take it out asap. Thank you for informing me about that overlook on my behalf.
ur welcome. but I still noticed the issue were the lightning transformation doesn’t show up in the shop but the thunder one does. I had to use a save editor to use it but since the game doesn’t think I have it unlocked, it disappears wen I click on it.
bro u gotta make a fire version of this for sure
This is really cool. I like the lore of the form. You thinking about making any other elements?
I am, but at the moment i’m trying to make parallel quest for obtaining it or a mentor, whichever i figure out first 😀
I just want the aura from this, absolutely lovely.