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Looks like a job for…Blue!

It's just a simple transformation from SSB to SSBE which I put together by merging two AMAZING transformations; not made by me so the credits' & thanks (for permission to use their mods) to -

Grinns for the Super Saiyan Blue transformation

Potara Salad for the Blue Evolution transformation

and the super sexy SFX on 'em were done by Kate .

There are both hair change & no hair change versions available.

(you gotta run Lazybone's New Transformations installer for the hair change version to work)

read the changelog


v 2.0: -Gave the effects of SSBE a bit darker shade of blue so it looks a bit better (for example the blue lines in the 5th screenshot is darker blue now).

Tried to change the controls to lazybone's style (guard to detransform and skill input+ki blast input to directly go to ssbe from base form) but failed :(

-Now you'll have a blue outline (the one which vanilla SSBE Vegeta has) after transforming to blue evolution, trust me, makes your cac look sexy (with the vanilla aura atleast)

V 2.1: -Had forgot to add the installer for the outline ^^''

V 2.2:

- fixed dyt issue -Since skillcreate can now (or maybe I didn't know before) assign cmn bpe outline effects in the aura tab there's no longer a need for an installer for the outline so I removed the outline installer.

Pickles Square
  • 5Mods
  • 2Followers

File size
17.86 MB
Credit given to modders
Potara Salad , Grinns , Kate
April 3, 2024


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Pickles Square
  • 5Mods
  • 2Followers

File size
17.86 MB
Credit given to modders
Potara Salad , Grinns , Kate
April 3, 2024

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