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Modified Character Slots/Menu

Updated to 1.20 but the 1.19 version was still in the files

I made this Mod using xv2patcher and xv2ins(slot editor). If you want to modify character slots you can also do it on your own

Pros: I don't know, you tell me.

Cons: The alignment of the characters may be crap. Some of character customization wasn't because they're merged with another character. Doesn't unlock Locked characters the only changed was alignment. Supports 1.19 and 1.20 only and there are chances of the mod not working. You might not like the mod.

The mod is about categorized character menu in any modes.  Like Cell, his forms were separated but I put them all into one character. Of course not only Cell is applied others too.

There are 3 sets in 1.20 folder; Default, Compressed, Alignment Only, and Over-Categorized. You can choose only one of those 3.

I (or other modders) will update this type of mod soon, whenever the game was updated.



Install Mod installer (was not made by me). Here's the link where, how and who made the mod installer :

Install Path: Place the ".x2s" to where your Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2's "data"


Backup your "XV2P_SLOTS.x2s". So if there's any conflicts, you can undo it.

1.20 up to date.

  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
10.00 kB
Credit given to modders
All the tools and modifiers used to make this mod was owned by Eternity.
June 4, 2023


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  1. I want to download this, but eternity tools broke TODAY, the day I actually bought the game on pc. I was going to buy this game for a while and was looking around to see if it was worth buying on pc (I have it on playstation), and then I realized that the mods are cool. I bought the game and guess what? eternity tools broke.

  2. update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls update pls

  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
10.00 kB
Credit given to modders
All the tools and modifiers used to make this mod was owned by Eternity.
June 4, 2023

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