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Movestyle Replacement Packs For CaC Characters

***************Big Update, please delete old version .ean files before installing***************


Using custom movestyles online will most certainly get you banned, you have been warned.


Please Refer to Forum Topic for main discussion.

This mod aims to provide packs of Movestyle replacement for CaC Characters.

What this means is basically replacing your CaC's stance and combat animations with another characters.

As of this Version there are 5 Packs Available and 2 Megapacks, with 6 more Solo Packs for people who just want to edit their male saiyan/human CaCs.

Packs Available.

DBSuper Pack

  • SYM - Goku/Black/SSB
  • SYF - Vegeta/SSB
  • HUM - Hit
  • HUF - Jaco

Powerhouses Pack

  • SYM - Bardock
  • SYF - Vegeto
  • HUM - Adult Gohan
  • HUF - Recoome

Super Saiyan Legends Pack

  • SYM - SS1 Gogeta
  • SYF - Gotenks
  • HUM - SS4 Goku
  • HUF - SS4 Vegeta

Don't Underestimate Earth Pack

  • SYM - Tien
  • SYF - Android 18
  • HUM - Yamcha
  • HUF - Krillin

Other Races Pack

  • FRI - Frieza (First Form)
  • MAM - Majin Buu
  • MAF - Kid Buu

The first Megapack includes my own personal tastes in movestlye. This pack leaves Female Humans and Saiyan as default as I actually like how those movestyles look. The second pack only makes edits that still allow special transformations to work properly. So Golden Form, Purification, Power Pole Pro, and SS3 all work as intended. Because Golden Form and PPP only work with CaC characters, I have left Humans and FRIs as default.

Author's Choice Megapack

  • SYM - Bardock
  • HUM - Future Gohan
  • MAM - Super Buu
  • MAF - Kid Buu
  • FRI - Beerus (Looks a bit weird, but I love it anyways)

Author’s Choice Megapack V2

  • SYM – Bardock
  • HUM – Raditz
  • SYF – GT Goku (Kid)
  • HUF – Saiyan Female CaCs
  • MAM – Majin Buu
  • MAF – Kid Buu

Transformation Friendly Megapack

  • SYM – Bardock
  • SYF – Gotenks
  • MAM – Majin Buu
  • MAF – Kid Buu

Finally, I also added several Solo Packs.

These Packs change the listed characters and them only. There are no compatibility patches for these. These were made to please the ton of people asking for one of these to either of these CaC. Since making different, unique packs for each of these characters as each of these race/gender combos would just clutter the mod I just made these small packs for just that.

Z-Solo Packs SY/HU Males: Future Gohan, Gogeta SS1, Vegeto, Hit, SS4 Goku, SS4 Gogeta

Z-Solo Packs SY/HU Females: Teen Gohan, GT Goku, SS4 Vegeta, Gotenks

Z-Solo Packs Majin: Piccolo (looks quite wonky, made as a request)

You may have noticed I did not touch Namekians. Instead what I've added is a compatibility patch to Tryzick's Hit Cac Race Mod. I decided to do this because Hit's was the only movestyle I would put on NMC because Slug doesn't fit it too well and Piccolo/Nail are just too similar to even bother. If you just want the movestyle compatibility without the rest of Tryzick's mod you can just use this patch without installing his mod.


***Warnings/Things to keep in mind***

Not all the movestyles match up perfectly. Gogeta and Gotenks Movestyles, for example, have slightly different strings of attacks, so in order to have them fit the CaCs properly the game changes the string slightly. You won’t really notice it except that sometimes the basic attack strings end up a bit shorter and the last hit can sometimes be a bit hard to land.

Several throws (Any Vegeta, Hit) makes human characters pull out a power pole for no reason. I have no idea why this happens but I'll keep it in mind for future packs.

I will not do any version of Future Trunks because the sword is part of his skeleton and CaC characters don't have that. Saiyan Characters hit the enemy with thin air and Human Characters pull out a power pole out of nowhere and swing it at a weird angle.

Some hitboxes are a bit larger than the model, specially with female characters. So you may see your character floating a few inches above the ground at the start of a battle.

SS3 transformation get's a bit weird with custom movestyles, You might see your character running or flying in place even when you're not moving. This is due to how the game handles SS3 as CaCs have seperate animations for Stance, Run, and Boost. The only characters that don't have this problem are those with their own SS3 animations, namely Goku, Gotenks, and Bardock.

Golden Transformation does not work with custom Movestlyes

Power Pole Pro transformation does not work with most Movestyles, and those that do work look REALLY wonky

I'm sure this has been mentioned in his mod but Turn Giant does no work with Tryzick's mod

Kaioken and Potential Unleashed work perfectly well with any movestyles, so I would suggest using those instead if you're using a custom movestyle.

For the people asking, Characters with tails do not port well to characters without them. Characters with special animations don't work well with any character, and particularly large characters make hitboxes all sorts of wonky. For these reason I will not do ports of Janemba, First Form Cell, Broly, or Beerus. The only reason I have Beerus on one of the packs is because FRIs can handle his animations better than others and even then it looks a bit weird and Golden Transformation does not work at all. Having said this I will not answer any more questions regarding anything mentioned in this warning.

Install using the Patcher or Place in the Data Folder

Compatibility Patches.

Ok so, here's how it works.

If you just want the Human/Saiyan styles, copy the Data folder inside the pack and use that.

If you just want the Other Races Styles, copy the Data folder in the Other Races Solo Pack folder

If you want any Human/Saiyan pack together with the Other Races Pack, copy the folder in the Other Races Compatibility folder inside each pack

If you want any pack to be compatible with Tryzick's Hit Race mod, use the file in the Hit CaC Race Compatibility folder for that pack.

If you want the Human/Saiyan pack, Other Races, AND Tryzick's Mod all together, use the file in the Other Races + Hit Compatibility folder of that pack .

Have THIS version of the .cms overwrite the one included in Tryzick's mod if you want to use his mod with this one.

V1.2 Initial Release of Compiled Pack

V1.3 Added Super Saiyan Legends Pack

V1.4 Discovered new better way of doing this, updated old packs and added DBSuper Pack

V1.5 Added the Other Races Pack as well as compatibility patches to use it with the other packs. Also added compatibility with Tryzick's mod for all packs

V1.6 Added the Never Underestimate Earth Pack as well as the Author's Choice Megapack. Also added 4 SoloPacks for Future Gohan, Gogeta SS1, Vegeto, and Hit

v1.7 Added the Tranformation Friendly Megapack as well as 2 more solo packs for SS4 Goku and SS4 Gogeta.

v1.8 Added the Author's Choice Megapack V2 as well a a few more solo packs for Females. Also added a single Majin Solo pack for a request.

  • 2Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
102.02 kB
Credit given to modders
November 9, 2016


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  • 2Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
102.02 kB
Credit given to modders
November 9, 2016

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