My cac’s super soul plus a special one to surpass omni-king

I have decided to make a mod with a bunch of my super souls (some are known as ancient souls and other things that aren't called super souls)
Also one super soul that is a test to surpass the omni king of saiyans
i want to test his limits and the super soul editors limits
Required:Super soul editor (sorry i'm not very experienced with modding but i think that's all)
steps:Extract the super soul editor, if it asked for a directory you have to find the folder Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (Youtube link for insctructions on that check the links) then next you open up super soul editor and the .rar folder
(Super souls.rar) folder onto your desktop and go on super soul option on the ssp (super soul editor) and click import a super soul then import all of the super souls that i had and then it should work
Special thanks for the instructions: HaZeDiStRuC7ION
and please go check out my channel Flint and the Squad i would really appreciate it.
Bye guys!!!
Can’t install mod if it’s an SSP file; it has to be an XM2 file for the mod installer to locate it.
link doesn’t work