New colors for Kamehameha v1.4 (Pack)
Hi guys! This is a custom version of simple Kamehameha.
This mod is totally cosmetic.
The mod comes with 7 colors and 1 more bonus:
- Black Kamehameha (I changed the Galick Gun texture to look like the Black Kamehameha)
- Fire God Kamehameha (I changed the Kamehameha x10 texture to look like the aura of SSG Goku)
- Green Kamehameha (I changed the Kamehameha texture to green)
- Yellow Kamehameha (I changed the Galick Gun texture to Yellow)
- Black Rosé Kamehameha (I used the texture of Galick Beam Cannon, Mira's super attack).
- Rosé Kamehameha (I used the Galick Gun texture)
- Red Kamehameha (I used the Kamehameha x10 texture)
- (Bonus) Majin Kamehameha mk.II (A version of Majin Kamehameha with animation of Kamehameha for all races)
All have kamehameha sound effects.
Once installed, you can buy them at the shop for 1 zeni.
This is my first mod, I hope you like it!
Any questions or suggestions, please write in the comments!
Sorry for my bad English, my first language is Portuguese.
X2M installer eternity tool:
v1.4: Added the Yellow kamehameha and modified a small detail in the texture of the Black Kamehameha
v1.3: Added the Majin Kamehameha mk.II
v1.2: Added the Green Kamehameha
v1.1: Added the Black Kamehameha and Fire God Kamehameha
v1.0: Initial release
I installed the Mod, and the skill does not appear in the store.
Opa tranquilo ? cara tem como aumentar o dano das skills ? elas tão bem mais fracas que as skills padrões