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new goku physics transformations for SYM cac

first of

credits to revamp team for most of the hair models

and credits to super johnny god for the ss2 hair model

so this transformation pack gives you gokus hair but with full working physics for each form!







ssbkk x5

ssbkk x10


ui sign

ui mastered

have fun !!


Required is lazybones new transformations

And azuras auras to get the full experience!!!

click x2m tada!

1.1 fixed tail appearing on blue evolution

  • 7Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
1.38 MB
Credit given to modders
dragneel, super jonny god, revamp team
September 19, 2019


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  1. @Everyone having issues with this mod with auras and hair transforming;
    You have to change the auras to ‘game transformation’ or lower the #’s severely on it; otherwise the auras WILL NOT APPEAR, you only need Pride Trooper Aura’s, plus New Transformations 3.2 to get it to work.

    Also; if you didnt know, you can change the color of ANY of the hairstyles (works best with SS1-2-3-Blue, SS4 (to a degree)), by changing the ‘hair/eye color’ at the bottom of the ‘transformation’ tab in Skiledit.

    I changed my SS1-2-3 to SSBE color with SSBE Aura, and it works perfect. also; remember to ‘remove’ accessories for each transformation; otherwise they will blend together and you will have a nightmare of a hairstyle.

    Working as of 12/12/2021, with Game version 1.16.2 with Patcher 3.62.

    Very well done job by the creator; very detailed rather than the ‘claydoh’ hair a lot of other transformable hair mods have.

    1. However; 2 major problems.
      #1 – SSG NEVER runs out of Stamina, unless you get stamina broken. It will drain to 0.0000001% stamina and stay there; I’ve tested this by boost dashing for a solid minute when using that specific transformation.

      #2 – BOTH Ultra Instinct transformations do NOT dodge incoming strikes or basic Ki blasts. I’ve tried it in Omen and Mastered, both give the hair and eyes/aura, but they don’t dodge like Data Input or ‘Expert Boss Mode’

    1. You have to install the INS first, then run New Transformations; standard practice; but some people they don’t know this.

      I have had no issues with any of the hairstyles OTHER THAN SSG being unable to ‘lower’ beyond pink.

      Also; this mod (from my testing at least) ONLY works with SYM, idk about SYF/HUM/HUF.

      1. Doesn’t require Azura’s to use, HOWEVER; for SOME ‘auras’ it may not display properly since the numbers are 5-10x higher than New Transformations default. Tl;dr, use ‘ingame’ auras, or check the ‘settings’ that Lazybones’/others use for it.

  • 7Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
1.38 MB
Credit given to modders
dragneel, super jonny god, revamp team
September 19, 2019

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