New Transformations Goku by lazybones w/ Goketer revamp mod [BETA]

This is a mod where you can replace the hairstyles of lazybone's New Transformations Goku. Credit to Goketer HighCeiling for the models. Link to the revamp mod. Check it out!
It is yet to be complete, but it turned out brilliantly. I can't wait to see the complete project.
THIS IS STILL IN BETA. EXPECT GLITCHES. Please let me know if you find one in the comments.
Install the "New Transformations" mod by lazybone for this to work
1: Download the file. Obviously.
2: Open the rar file
3: Open the folder
4: Drag the folder named "GGB" into DB Xenoverse 2 data chara
5: If it asks you to replace the files, accept.
0.5: Initial release
0.5 pt. 2: I suggest that when you put the files in, to delete the dyt files. It seems to work for me. You can replace the dyt files with a shader mod.
0.6: Added an Ultra Instinct hair patch. It just adds the UI hair when Goku transforms, because before, it wasn't working.
0.7: Added Super Saiyan and fixed Super Saiyan God.
0.8: Added Super Saiyan and working on Ultra Instinct Goku hair patch. Will come with Update 0.9