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New Transformations REVAMP PATCH

 this makes the Roster Characters for Lazybones New Transformations have the revamp styles added by the revamp pack. Here are the list of changes:

Goku: Added Revamp Intro. All dyts for all styles have changed. added revamp hair models for SS1, SS2, SSG, SSB, UIOmen and UI. fixed the UIOmen and some awkward shaded portraits

Vegeta: Added SS2 hair Model to SS2 transformtions (the rest are already revamp).

Gohan: All dyts for all styles have changed. New hair models for base,SS1,SS2,PU and more. fixed SSB textures. now SS Rage has unique dyt colors. Fixed awkward shaded portraits

Future Trunks (DBS): Added Revamp Intro. Changed base and SS Rage dyts. Changed SS Rage hair model and color.

Goku Black: All dyts for all styles have changed. added revamp hair model for SSR and SSR Kaiokens. added 3 seperate styles for SSR kaiokens. Fixed some awkward shaded portraits.

Goku (GT): Added revamp intro

Frieza: Added revamp style to Golden Form transformations.

Vegito: All dyts for all styles have changed. Added revamp hair models to SS1,SS2,SSB and SSB Kaiokens. Fixed awkward shaded portraits.

Gogeta: All dyts for all styles have changed. Now the slots the transform into SSB have DBS color style and the slots that transform into SS4 have DBZ color style. Fixed awkward shaded portraits.


HUGE credits to 345boneshoss for his dyt pack and predone colors in revamp pack.

Lazybone for New Transformations

Goketer highceiling and the Revamp team for Revamp Pack

Vaijack and Qwality Boiz for Portrait Pack



Install Lazybones New transformations for those roster characters (here)

you MUST install the revamp pack for some correct styles to appear (here)

run the Installer

1.0: initial Mini Update:

Vegeta: Changed his SSG colors to fit the manga style.  Fixed some Moveset Bugs (Never Landing Kicks). change SSB moveset to a more OP version of SSG moveset. added facial Animations to Prominance flash. Changed his SSBE Stance

Future Trunks (DBS): Fixed Animation bug

Gogeta: added facial animations to God Punisher.


  • 23Mods
  • 62Followers

Credit given to modders
AbyssWalker (aka StardustZfighter)
March 5, 2020


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  1. it gives me this error

    System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
    Parameter name: index
    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
    at Xv2CoreLib.StringEx.GetStringSize(List`1 bytes, Int32 index)
    at Xv2CoreLib.StringEx.GetString(List`1 bytes, Int32 index, Boolean useNullText, EncodingType encodingType, Int32 maxSize, Boolean useNullTerminator)
    at Xv2CoreLib.CUS.Parser.GetSkillEntries(Int32 count, Int32 offset)
    at Xv2CoreLib.CUS.Parser.Parse()
    at Xv2CoreLib.CUS.Parser..ctor(Byte[] _bytes)
    at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install_NEW.GetParsedFileFromGame(String path, Xv2FileIO fileIO, Boolean onlyFromCpk, Boolean raiseEx)
    at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install_NEW.GetParsedFile[T](String path, Boolean fromCpk, Boolean raiseEx)
    at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install_NEW..ctor(InstallerXml _installerXml, ZipReader _zipManager, MainWindow parent, Xv2FileIO fileIO, FileCacheManager _fileManager)
    at LB_Mod_Installer.MainWindow.d__76.MoveNext()

  2. I still love this mod but I need to do one request, RoF Frieza in his final form transformation has the vanilla model and not the revamped one, would it be possible to fox that? And also update other textures and models from more recent revamp updates would be awesome

  • 23Mods
  • 62Followers

Credit given to modders
AbyssWalker (aka StardustZfighter)
March 5, 2020

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