Ninja Uniform (All Marks!)
I like the shirt from the Ninja Suit but I don't like the fishnet undershirt, so just like Goku Black's gi from the other day, I replaced it with:
- No undershirt (Ninja Costume)
- The Uniform undershirt (Ninja Uniform)
- Full bodysuit (again by Tomo!) (Ninja Uniform Suit) (Ninja Suit is already taken by the original :( )
Marks include:
- Turtle
- Crane
- Demon
- Ginyu Force
- Red Ribbon Army
- Capsule Corporation
- No Symbol
Just like with my Training Gi tops, I added all the marks to them. And also just like the Training Gi, I think it's a little ridiculous if I have people installing 21 tops that are basically copies of each other, so I've made them into their own X2Ms. You can install one style, two styles, or all 3 if you want!
Once again, credit and thanks to Tomo for their Basic Bodysuit resource!
is it possible for you to have the marks in their own X2M?
You mean like, separate X2Ms per mark? To be honest I’d rather not have 14-21 separate X2Ms. It feels messy. It’s not hard to edit the X2M to remove ones you don’t want though.
Edit X2M -> HUM/SYM tab -> Scroll through partset 0-6 and hit remove for ones you don’t want (the list in the description is the same order as the partsets) -> IDB tab and remove the numbers you removed in the HUM/SYM tab. You will need to fix the partset number in the IDB tab, but just make sure if you scroll through it that none are repeating and it should be fine.