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Normal Clothes Character Pack

Hey there! I've been working hard on this mod for the past 2 days and I think it's been a good learning experience. I wanted to learn more about editing BCS files so I tried to do something a little more BCS intensive than usual, which is making new partsets and editing existing partsets which I hadn't done before. I like the results I've gotten with this mod.

This mod currently includes two characters: Goku and Goku Black.

Goku has a blue shirt version and an orange colored shirt version. One slot of each has Super Saiyan 1-3, and another has Super Saiyan Blue.

Goku Black has a red shirt and a black shirt. One slot has no transformation and another has Super Saiyan Rosé.

Now, for the credits:

Thank you to GoodOrBadAsh once again for letting me use their Instant Transmission conversion to evasive, and Instant Kamehameha.

Thank you to LolloBlue96 for letting me use Divine Display!

I won't be taking any requests that involve too much model swapping. However, if you have a suggestion such as a mod to have an X2M Gogeta transform into SSJ4 Gogeta, that would be doable. (I mention this because someone has requested that exact thing.)

  1. Make sure you have Eternity's Patcher and Installer.
  2. Unzip the file and simply install each X2M.


v1.0 - Release.

Known Bugs:

  • When transformed into Super Saiyan Rosé, sometimes a sound effect may not play for specific attacks during specific strings.
  • The textures for Super Saiyan Rosé and Super Saiyan Blue are shinier than the regular models, showing a contrast between a shine and a duller color.

Currently every known bug doesn't yet have a solution on my end. If anyone could inform me of how to fix any of these issues, please let me know and I'll be sure to credit you with the update.

v1.1 - Updated. Goku can now go SSJ3 without his textures getting messed up. Let me know if you have any issues.

  • 7Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
21.61 MB
Credit given to modders
August 7, 2018


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  1. This is a pack of clothes that you can use in your normal game. They are all very high quality, and they come in different colors and styles. The clothes are made by me, so if you go to the website you can get my best academic help and have any questions about them or if you want to be added to the list of people who get freebies from me, just let me know!

  • 7Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
21.61 MB
Credit given to modders
August 7, 2018

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